\frametitle{The Regime Complex for Climate Change\\(Keohane and Victor (2011) )}
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\begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=1.2cm]
\node (un) [type1, xshift=-3cm] {UN Legal Regimes};
\node (expert) [type1, right of=un, xshift=4cm]{Expert Assessments};
\node (montreal)[type1, below of=un, xshift=-1cm]{Montreal Protocol};
\node (bilateral)[type1, right of=montreal, xshift=3cm]{Bilateral Initiatives};
\node (clubs)[type1, right of=bilateral, xshift=2cm]{Clubs};
\node(subnat)[type1, below of=montreal, xshift=1cm]{Subnational Action};
\node(MDA)[type1, right of=subnat, xshift=4cm]{MDA};
\node(geo)[type1, below of=subnat, xshift=-1cm]{Geoengineering Governance};
\node(nuc)[type1, right of=geo, xshift=2cm]{Nuclear Technology};
\node(fin)[type1, right of=nuc, xshift=2cm]{Financial Market Rules};
\node(intel)[type2, below of=geo, xshift=1cm]{Intel Property and Investment Rules};
\node(trade)[type2, right of=intel, xshift=5cm]{International Trade Regime};
\node[draw=red,double,fit=(un) (montreal) ,inner sep=1ex,circle] (tmp) {};
应该使用 \tikzset 还是 \tikzstyle 来定义 TikZ 样式?
% arara: pdflatex
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decision/.style = {square, minimum width=1cm, minimum height=0.1cm, text centered,
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arrow/.style = {thick,->,>=stealth},
\frametitle{The Regime Complex for Climate Change\\(Keohane and Victor (2011) )}
\begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=1.2cm]
\node (un) [type1, xshift=-3cm] {UN Legal Regimes};
\node (expert) [type1, right of=un, xshift=4cm]{Expert Assessments};
\node (montreal)[type1, below of=un, xshift=-1cm]{Montreal Protocol};
\node (bilateral)[type1, right of=montreal, xshift=3cm]{Bilateral Initiatives};
\node (clubs)[type1, right of=bilateral, xshift=2cm]{Clubs};
\node(subnat)[type1, below of=montreal, xshift=1cm]{Subnational Action};
\node(MDA)[type1, right of=subnat, xshift=4cm]{MDA};
\node(geo)[type1, below of=subnat, xshift=-1cm]{Geoengineering Governance};
\node(nuc)[type1, right of=geo, xshift=2cm]{Nuclear Technology};
\node(fin)[type1, right of=nuc, xshift=2cm]{Financial Market Rules};
\node(intel)[type2, below of=geo, xshift=1cm]{Intel Property and Investment Rules};
\node(trade)[type2, right of=intel, xshift=5cm]{International Trade Regime};
\node[draw=red,double,fit=(un) (montreal) ,inner sep=1ex,circle] (tmp) {};