要使图例与相关图表占据相同的宽度,可以将两者放在一个环境中,如以下 MWE(最小工作示例)中所做的那样。请注意在脚注大小的材料末尾minipage
使用。如果没有指令(或尾随空白行,这在功能上相当于 Tex 中的段落分隔符),您将获得较小的字体大小,但行距会更宽,适合文档的正常字体大小。\par
\usepackage[demo]{graphicx} % leave off '[demo]' in real document
(this rule just demonstrates the width of the textblock\dots)
\begin{minipage}{0.65\textwidth} % choose width suitably
{\footnotesize Here are some notes that go with the graph. Here are some
notes that go with the graph. Here are some notes that go with the graph.
Here are some notes that go with the graph.\par}
\caption{Historical shock decomposition, 2007Q1--2012Q4}
附录: 如果你想要解释一下后标题,你可以把它放在自己独立的minipage
\usepackage[demo]{graphicx} % leave off '[demo]' in real document
(this rule just demonstrates the width of the textblock\dots)
\caption{Historical shock decomposition, 2007Q1--2012Q4}
\medskip % induce some separation between caption and explanatory material
\begin{minipage}{0.65\textwidth} % choose width suitably
{\footnotesize Here are some notes that go with the graph. Here are some notes that go with the graph. Here are some notes that go with the graph. Here are some notes that go with the graph.\par}
{\tiny I want to include a small note (i.e. footnotesize) below a figure. How do I do that? If I use caption, the note has a caption size and interferes with my caption.}
\caption{Normal text }
希望这可以帮助 :)