Pgfplots 线性回归(均方误差)

Pgfplots 线性回归(均方误差)

Pgfplots 提供了计算线性回归的可能性,如下面的文章所示线性回归 - 使用 pgfplots 绘制趋势线


我的第一个想法是创建一个具有平方误差的新列,然后计算平均值。但是可以在 pgfplots 中执行此操作吗?






\pgfmathsetseed{1138} % set the random seed
\pgfplotstableset{ % Define the equations for x and y
    create on use/x/.style={create col/expr={42+5*\pgfplotstablerow}},
    create on use/y/.style={create col/expr={(0.6*\thisrow{x}+130)+5*rand}},
% create a new table with 30 rows and columns x and y:

% Calculate the regression line
\pgfplotstablecreatecol[linear regression]{regression}{\loadedtable}

% Calculate the errors
    create col/expr={\thisrow{y}-\thisrow{regression}}

% Calculate the average squared error
Mean squared error: \meansquarederror


xlabel=Weight (kg), % label x axis
ylabel=Height (cm), % label y axis
axis lines=left, %set the position of the axes
xmin=40, xmax=105, % set the min and max values of the x-axis
ymin=150, ymax=200, % set the min and max values of the y-axis

\addplot [only marks] table {\loadedtable};
\addplot [no markers, thick, red,
    error bars/.cd,
        y dir=plus,
        y explicit,
        draw error bar/.code 2 args={
        \fill ##1 rectangle \expression;
    ] table [y=regression, y error expr=\thisrow{error}] {\loadedtable} node [anchor=west] {$\pgfmathprintnumber[precision=2, fixed zerofill]{\pgfplotstableregressiona} \cdot \mathrm{Weight} + \pgfmathprintnumber[precision=1]{\pgfplotstableregressionb}$};

