我正在使用 csquotes 包来处理我的 blockquotes。我希望它们无论长度如何都能缩进,但它对较短的 blockquotes (约 3 行) 不起作用,只对较长的 blockquotes 起作用。
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Integer a purus vel lacus eleifend feugiat sed id eros.
%This doesn't get indented
\blockquote{It is through a learning process inclusive of critical reflection, seeking out new skills and knowledge, action, and discourse that the stranger interprets the meaning of his or her experience and develops intercultural competence.}
%This does
手册(第 6 和 7 页)
此命令确定 h 文本 i 的长度。如果长度超过某个阈值,则 h 文本 i 将以显示模式排版,即,作为块引用。如果没有, \blockquote 将表现得像 \textquote 。根据 Thresholdtype 选项,阈值可能基于排版 6 h 文本 i 所需的行数,也可能基于 h 文本 i 中的字数。如果启用了 parthreshold 选项,则 h 文本 i 中的任何显式段落或换行符都将触发阈值,即,无论其长度如何,都将以显示模式排版。启用 parthreshold 后,默认阈值设置是三行。显示引用使用的默认环境是 quote 环境。
threshold=<number of lines>
thresholdtype= lines , words %% decide lines or words for threshold
parthreshold=true, false %% detect paragraph end for threshold
有关更多信息,请参阅手册第 8.6 节。
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Integer a purus vel lacus eleifend feugiat sed id eros.
\SetBlockThreshold{1} %% this can also be used
%This does get indented too
\blockquote{It is through a learning process inclusive of critical reflection,
seeking out new skills and knowledge, action, and discourse that the stranger
interprets the meaning of his or her experience and develops intercultural
%This does