

我正在用扩展摘要格式(chi-ext由 SIGCHI 分发的类)撰写会议论文。我遇到的问题是要在作者描述部分下插入图片,如下图所示(以及如何在左侧边栏中插入图片)。



\title{CHI \LaTeX\ Ext. Abstracts Template}

    \textbf{First Author}\\
    \affaddr{AuthorCo, Inc.}\\
    \affaddr{123 Author Ave.}\\
    \affaddr{Authortown, PA 54321 USA}\\
    \email{[email protected]}

\usepackage{graphicx}   % for EPS use the graphics package instead
\usepackage{balance}    % useful for balancing the last columns
\usepackage{bibspacing} % save vertical space in references



In this sample we describe the formatting requirements for various SIGCHI related submissions XXXXX


请注意,此示例必须使用 XeTeX 或 LuaTeX 进行编译,因为该类需要它。


chi-ext.cls在 Github 上找到了 2008 年的一个版本,在 code.google 上找到了 2010 年的另一个版本。因此,我为每个版本都做了一个解决方案。您会发现,较旧的版本需要更多“手工制作”,而最新版本提供了一个\teaser宏,该宏将包含作者下方的一些内容作为参数。但是,对于这两个版本,侧面的图片都是用边注实现的。出于测试目的,我将其用作\rule图片的占位符。

代码 1

\documentclass{chi-ext} %2008/11/25
\usepackage{graphicx} %for EPS use the graphics package instead
\usepackage{balance} %useful for balancing the last columns
%\usepackage{bibspacing} %save vertical space in references

\title{CHI \LaTeX\ Ext. Abstracts Template}
    \textbf{First Author}\\
    AuthorCo, Inc.\\
    123 Author Ave.\\
    Authortown, PA 54321 USA\\
    \url{[email protected]}
Copyright is held by the author/owner(s).\\
This is a generic SIGCHI \LaTeX\ template sample.\\
The corresponding ACM copyright statement must be included.

\makeauthors\marginpar{\raggedright \rule{0.95\marginparwidth}{6cm}} %Replace "\rule..." with \includegraphics[width=0.95\marginparwidth]{picname}
{\raggedright \rule{.475\textwidth}{6cm}} %\rule -> \includegraphics[width=.475\textwidth]{picname}

  In this sample we describe the formatting requirements for various SIGCHI related submissions XXXXX


\onecolumn %Just in case that you want to return to the original formatting


代码 2

\documentclass{chi-ext} %2010/12/01
\usepackage{graphicx} %for EPS use the graphics package instead
\usepackage{balance} %useful for balancing the last columns
%\usepackage{bibspacing} %save vertical space in references

\title{CHI \LaTeX\ Ext. Abstracts Template}
    \textbf{First Author}\\
    \affaddr{AuthorCo, Inc.}\\
    \affaddr{123 Author Ave.}\\
    \affaddr{Authortown, PA 54321 USA}\\
    \email{[email protected]}
Copyright is held by the author/owner(s).\\
This is a generic SIGCHI \LaTeX\ template sample.\\
The corresponding ACM copyright statement must be included.
\teaser{\rule{\textwidth}{6cm}} %Replace "\rule..." with \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{picname}


\maketitle\marginnote{\centering \rule{\marginparwidth}{6cm}} %analougus to \teaser

  In this sample we describe the formatting requirements for various SIGCHI related submissions XXXXX

Guides, instructions, author's kit, conference publications
%Enter your keywords here

\category{H.5.m}{Information interfaces and presentation (e.g., HCI)}{Miscellaneous}.
See: \url{http://www.acm.org/about/class/1998/}
for help using the ACM Classification system.

\terms{Documentation, Standardization}



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