在 TikZ 中填写表格框

在 TikZ 中填写表格框

我想创建一个附有 IBAN 的 SEPA 银行转账表

我如何创建一个带有N字段的表单域,每个字段宽度为 5 毫米,并且像图片中那样有分隔线? 表单域

目前我使用 for 循环作为解决方法,但这会使代码难以维护。最后我需要一个函数\formline{N}{cellwidth}{label}{value}来创建完整的表单字段并用可选值填充它: 完成表单字段



\thispagestyle{empty} % no pagenumber. The form should be a stand alone macro... later.

\begin{tikzpicture}[x=1 mm, y=-1mm]
\pgfmathsetmacro{\yh}{4.2333} % y heigth step defined as 1/6 inch => 1/6 * 25.4 mm = 4.2333 mm
\pgfmathsetmacro{\xs}{9} % x start (own definition)
\pgfmathsetmacro{\xe}{141.5} % x end (own definition)
\pgfmathsetmacro{\widefield}{4.9859} % def: 134.62 mm / 27
\pgfmathsetmacro{\narrowfiels}{3.9594} % def: 134.62 mm/ 34

\filldraw[draw=black,color=SEPAOrange] (7.62, 4.5*\yh) rectangle (149.86-7.62,105.83-1); %orange background

\filldraw[draw=black,color=white] (\xs, 5*\yh) rectangle (\xe, 6.5*\yh -1.5); %Recepient 27 Char
\foreach \x in {1,...,26}
 \draw[color=SEPAOrange, line width=0.3mm] (7.62 + \x*\widefield, 5*\yh ) -- (7.62 + \x*\widefield, 6.5*\yh);
 \draw[color=SEPAOrange, line width=0.7mm] (7.62 + \x*\widefield, 5.8*\yh ) -- (7.62 + \x*\widefield, 6.5*\yh);

\filldraw[draw=black,color=white] (\xs, 7*\yh) rectangle (\xe, 8.5*\yh -1.5); %IBAN 34 Char
\foreach \x in {1,...,33}
 \draw[color=SEPAOrange, line width=0.3mm] (7.62 + \x*4, 7*\yh ) -- (7.62 + \x*4, 8.5*\yh);

\filldraw[draw=black,color=white] (\xs, 9*\yh) rectangle (\xe, 10.5*\yh -1.5); %BIC
\filldraw[draw=black,color=white] (\xe-12*5, 11*\yh) rectangle (\xe, 12.5*\yh -1.5); %Value 12 Char

\filldraw[draw=black,color=white] (\xs, 13*\yh) rectangle (\xe, 14.5*\yh -1.5); %Subject1
\filldraw[draw=black,color=white] (\xs, 15*\yh) rectangle (\xe, 16.5*\yh -1.5); %Subject2
\filldraw[draw=black,color=white] (\xs, 17*\yh) rectangle (\xe, 18.5*\yh -1.5); %Subject3

\filldraw[draw=black,color=white] (\xs, 19*\yh) rectangle (\xs+22*5, 20.5*\yh -1.5); % IBAN 22 Char

\filldraw[draw=black,color=white] (149.86-17.59, 19* \yh) rectangle (\xe, 20.5*\yh -1.5); % counter
\filldraw[draw=black,color=white] (\xs, 21* \yh) rectangle (42.52, 24.5*\yh); % date
\filldraw[draw=black,color=white] (42.52+5, 21*\yh) rectangle (149.86-17.59, 24.5*\yh); % signature

\draw[color=SEPADOrange] (0, 4.5 *\yh) --(149.86, 4.5*\yh); upper dark orange line
\draw[color=SEPADOrange] (0, 20.5 *\yh) --(149.86, 20.5*\yh); lower dark orange line
\draw[draw=black,color=black, line width=0.3mm] (0,0) rectangle (149.86,105.83); % black border
%\draw[align=left] at (\yh,\yh) {SEPA-Überweisung};




\formline*(coord)[field width][scope options]{N}{label}[value]<dividers>


  • coord:放置线的位置;锚点位于west第一个字段。
  • N:字段数。
  • label:线路名称。


  • *:忽略中的空格value
  • field width:字段的宽度。
  • scope options:选项被传递给{scope}
  • value:填写一些内容,应仅包含普通的人物。
  • dividers:在文件之间添加分隔符;可以是文件编号的逗号列表,也可以是every nn可以是正数或负数)。


    % background
    \fill [SEPAOrange] (0,0) rectangle (15,12);
    % formlines
    \formline(1,10){25}{Bank}[Deutsche Bank Hamburg]
    \formline(1,9)[6mm]{5}{Number 1}[123456]
    \formline(1,8)[6mm]{5}{Number 2}[1234]
    \formline*(1,7){22}{IBAN 1}[DE00 2105 0170 0012 3456 78]<every 4>
        % dividers every 4th field from right
    \formline*(1,6){22}{IBAN 2}<every -4>% dividers every 4th from left
    \formline*(1,5){22}{IBAN 3}<2,5,10,15,20>% irregular dividers



  • 每个字段都是一个单独的节点,并以 命名form field label n,其中label是参数值,n是字段的编号(从 0 开始)。您可以使用此节点名称来添加框架或类似的东西。
  • 有几种 TikZ 样式可用于改变外观。
  • 我在代码中添加了一些解释——如有不清楚之处请询问



% packages

% colors

% switch on expl3 syntax
% (_ and : become part of macro names; spaces are ignored; ~ is normal space)
% make @ available as part of macro name
% commad to genreate internal lengths
% use \form_generate_lengths:n {<comma list>}
\cs_new:Npn \form_generate_lengths:n #1 {
    \clist_set:Nn \l_tmpa_clist { #1 }
    \clist_map_inline:Nn \l_tmpa_clist {
        \expandafter\newlength \csname form @ x ##1 \endcsname
        \expandafter\newlength \csname form @ y ##1 \endcsname
% gererate internal length used in node shapes
\form_generate_lengths:n {
    A, Ab, At, Abt,
    B, Bb, Bt, Bbt,
% sep between fields
\dim_new:N \g_form_sep_dim
\dim_set:Nn \g_form_sep_dim { 0.5pt }
% dimensions of the edges in fields
\dim_new:N \g_form_x_edge_dim
\dim_set:Nn \g_form_x_edge_dim { 0.5pt }
\dim_new:N \g_form_y_edge_dim
\dim_set:Nn \g_form_y_edge_dim { 3pt }
\dim_new:N \formdividerwidth
\dim_set:Nn \formdividerwidth { 2\g_form_x_edge_dim + \g_form_sep_dim }
\dim_new:N \formdividerheight
\dim_set:Nn \formdividerheight { \g_form_y_edge_dim }
% new node shapes for fields
\pgfdeclareshape{form~field~middle}{% from p. 631 in pgfmanual.pdf
    \backgroundpath{%  this is new
        %  store corners
        \southwest \form@xA = \pgf@x \form@yA = \pgf@y
        \northeast \form@xC = \pgf@x \form@yC = \pgf@y
        \form@xB = \form@xC \form@yB = \form@yA
        \form@xD = \form@xA \form@yD = \form@yC
        % calculate edges
        \form@xAt = \form@xA
        \form@yAt = \form@yA \advance \form@yAt by \g_form_y_edge_dim
        \form@xAb = \form@xA \advance \form@xAb by \g_form_x_edge_dim
        \form@yAb = \form@yA
        \form@xAbt = \form@xAb
        \form@yAbt = \form@yAt
        \form@xBt = \form@xB
        \form@yBt = \form@yB \advance \form@yBt by \g_form_y_edge_dim
        \form@xBb = \form@xB \advance \form@xBb by -\g_form_x_edge_dim
        \form@yBb = \form@yB
        \form@xBbt = \form@xBb
        \form@yBbt = \form@yBt
        %  construct main path
    \backgroundpath{%  this is new
        %  store corners
        \southwest \form@xA = \pgf@x \form@yA = \pgf@y
        \northeast \form@xC = \pgf@x \form@yC = \pgf@y
        \form@xB = \form@xC \form@yB = \form@yA
        \form@xD = \form@xA \form@yD = \form@yC
        % calculate edges
        \form@xAt = \form@xA
        \form@yAt = \form@yA \advance \form@yAt by \g_form_y_edge_dim
        \form@xAb = \form@xA \advance \form@xAb by \g_form_x_edge_dim
        \form@yAb = \form@yA
        \form@xAbt = \form@xAb
        \form@yAbt = \form@yAt
        \form@xBt = \form@xB
        \form@yBt = \form@yB \advance \form@yBt by \g_form_y_edge_dim
        \form@xBb = \form@xB \advance \form@xBb by -\g_form_x_edge_dim
        \form@yBb = \form@yB
        \form@xBbt = \form@xBb
        \form@yBbt = \form@yBt
        %  construct main path
    \backgroundpath{%  this is new
        %  store corners
        \southwest \form@xA = \pgf@x \form@yA = \pgf@y
        \northeast \form@xC = \pgf@x \form@yC = \pgf@y
        \form@xB = \form@xC \form@yB = \form@yA
        \form@xD = \form@xA \form@yD = \form@yC
        % calculate edges
        \form@xAt = \form@xA
        \form@yAt = \form@yA \advance \form@yAt by \g_form_y_edge_dim
        \form@xAb = \form@xA \advance \form@xAb by \g_form_x_edge_dim
        \form@yAb = \form@yA
        \form@xAbt = \form@xAb
        \form@yAbt = \form@yAt
        \form@xBt = \form@xB
        \form@yBt = \form@yB \advance \form@yBt by \g_form_y_edge_dim
        \form@xBb = \form@xB \advance \form@xBb by -\g_form_x_edge_dim
        \form@yBb = \form@yB
        \form@xBbt = \form@xBb
        \form@yBbt = \form@yBt
        %  construct main path
% new command to draw a line of fiels
% usage: \formline*(coord)[field width][scope options]{N}{label}[value]<dividers>
%                #1   #2       #3           #4        #5    #6    #7      #8
%        * = ignore spaces in [value]
%        required: #2, #5, #6,
%        optional: #1, #3, #4, #7, #8
\NewDocumentCommand { \formline } { s r() O{3mm} O{} m m o d<> } {
    % save field width
    \dim_set:Nn \l_tmpa_dim { #3 }
    % begin a scope
        [every~form~field/.append~style={minimum~width=\dim_use:N \l_tmpa_dim}, #4]
        % draw fields
        %% set temp counter to 0
        \int_set:Nn \l_tmpa_int {0}
        %% first node (number 0)
        \node (form~field~#6~0) [at={(#2)}, every~form~field~start] {\strut};
        %% middle nodes, go through list form 1 to N-1
        \int_step_inline:nnnn { 1 } { 1 } { #5 - 2 } {
            %%% draw node
            \node (form~field~#6~##1) [
                right=\dim_use:N \g_form_sep_dim of~form~field~#6~\int_use:N \l_tmpa_int
            ] {\strut};
            %%% incremet counter by 1
            \int_incr:N \l_tmpa_int
        %% draw last node (number N)
        \node (form~field~#6~\int_eval:n { #5 - 1 }) [
            right=\dim_use:N \g_form_sep_dim of~form~field~#6~\int_use:N \l_tmpa_int
        ] {\strut};
        % draw label
        \node [every~form~label, above~right=0pt~of~form~field~#6~0.north~west] {#6};
        % add value, if exist
        \IfValueT { #7 } {
            %% save value to token list
            \tl_set:Nn \l_tmpa_tl { #7 }
            %% replace input space with space token
            \IfBooleanF { #1 } {
                \tl_replace_all:Nnn \l_tmpa_tl { ~ } { \c_space_token }
            %% set temp counter to 0
            \int_set:Nn \l_tmpa_int { 0 }
            %% iterate through tokes and print digits above fields
            \tl_map_inline:Nn \l_tmpa_tl {
                %%% chack overlong values
                \int_compare:nT { \l_tmpa_int = #5 } {
                    \node at (form~field~#6~\int_eval:n { \l_tmpa_int - 1 })
                        [fill=red, font=\bfseries] {ERROR:~value~too~long};% some error message
                %%% draw digit
                \node [every~form~digit] at (form~field~#6~\int_use:N \l_tmpa_int.base) { ##1 };
                %%% incremet counter by 1
                \int_incr:N \l_tmpa_int
        % add sub-dividers, if exist
        \IfValueT { #8 } {
            %% save lowercase version of #7 to token list
            \tl_set:Nn \l_tmpa_tl { #8 }
            %% if it contains "every"
            \tl_if_in:NnTF \l_tmpa_tl { every } {
                %%% remove "every"
                \tl_remove_all:Nn \l_tmpa_tl { every }
                %%% save to int
                \int_set:Nn \l_tmpa_int { \l_tmpa_tl }
                %%% from left (> 0) or right (< 0)?
                \int_compare:nTF { \l_tmpa_int > 0 } {
                    %%%% draw marks from left
                    \int_step_inline:nnnn { \l_tmpa_int - 1 } { \l_tmpa_int } { #5 - 2 } {
                        \node at
                            ($(form~field~#6~##1.south~east)+(\dim_use:N \g_form_sep_dim / 2,0)$)
                            [every~form~divider] {};
                } {
                    %%%% draw marks from right
                    \int_step_inline:nnnn { #5 - 1 + \l_tmpa_int } { \l_tmpa_int } { 0 } {
                        \node at
                            ($(form~field~#6~##1.south~east)+(\dim_use:N \g_form_sep_dim / 2,0)$)
                            [every~form~divider] {};
            } {
                %%% iterate throug comma list
                \clist_map_inline:nn { #8 } {
                    \node at
                        ($(form~field~#6~##1.south~east)+(\dim_use:N \g_form_sep_dim / 2,0)$)
                        [every~form~divider] {};
% switch off expl3 syntax and @

    every form field/.style = {
        inner sep=0pt,
        minimum height=4mm,
    every form field middle/.style = {
        every form field,
        form field middle,
    every form field start/.style = {
        every form field,
        form field start,
        anchor=south west,
    every form field end/.style = {
        every form field,
        form field end,
    every form label/.style = {
        fill=white, text=SEPADOrange,
        inner sep=1pt,
        outer sep=0pt,
    every form digit/.style = {
        inner sep=0pt,
    every form divider/.style = {
        inner sep=0pt,
        outer sep=0pt,
        minimum width=\formdividerwidth,
        minimum height=\formdividerheight,

    % background
    \fill [SEPAOrange] (0,0) rectangle (15,12);
    % formlines
    \formline(1,10){25}{Bank}[Deutsche Bank Hamburg]
    \formline(1,9)[6mm]{5}{Number 1}[123456]
    \formline(1,8)[6mm]{5}{Number 2}[1234]
    \formline*(1,7){22}{IBAN 1}[DE00 2105 0170 0012 3456 78]<every 4>
        % dividers every 4th field from left
    \formline*(1,6){22}{IBAN 2}<every -4>% dividers every 4th from right
    \formline*(1,5){22}{IBAN 3}<2,5,10,15,20>% irregular dividers
