在 Beamer 中创建表格时出错

在 Beamer 中创建表格时出错

我在 beamer 中使用的表格的代码如下:

          Project Risk&Affect the project schedule or resources&Loss of anexperienced designer\\
          Product Risk&Affect the quality or performance of the software being developed&Failure of a purchased component to perform as expected.\\
          Business Risk&Affect the organisation developing or procuring the software&A competitor introducing a new product is a business risk

如何纠正? enter image description here


您只是想在表格的一行中放入太多内容。纠正此问题的一种方法是设置最宽列的宽度,并允许 TeX 像处理表格外的常规段落一样换行。


     Risk& \hfill Meaning& \hfill Example\\
      Project Risk&Affect the project schedule or resources&Loss of anexperienced designer\\
      Product Risk&Affect the quality or performance of the software being developed&Failure of a purchased component to perform as expected.\\
      Business Risk&Affect the organisation developing or procuring the software&A competitor introducing a new product is a business risk\\\hline


tabular on slide with p{width} columns
