使用 TikZ 绘制三相变压器

使用 TikZ 绘制三相变压器

有没有一种“简单”的方法可以在 TikZ 中绘制类似以下的东西?我只有框架,但那些漩涡状的东西很难画:



\draw (0,0) --(0,5) -- (7,5) -- (7,0) -- (0,0) ;
\draw (1,1) -- (1,4) -- (3,4) -- (3,1) -- (1,1) ;
\draw (4,1) -- (4,4) -- (6,4) -- (6,1) -- (4,1) ;
\draw[very thick] (8,4.8) -- (8,2.8);
\draw[very thick] (8,2.2) -- (8,.2);
\draw[very thick] (9,4.8) -- (9,2.8);
\draw[very thick] (9,2.2) -- (9,.2);
\draw[very thick] (10,4.8) -- (10,2.8);
\draw[very thick] (10,2.2) -- (10,.2);
\draw[thick] (-0.3,3.5) -- (1,3.5);
\draw[thick] (1,3.5) to [out=180,in=45] (1.2,3.3);


如果可以选择 PSTricks 解决方案,则可以使用以下内容:


\usepackage[margin = 3cm]{geometry}


%%% values needed (automatically calculated)

% picture frame
  \fpeval{-\WindingRadius-5080/7227}% (5080/7227)mm = 2pt = \psdot diameter (if I am not mistaken)
% intermediate functions
% core
  % `outer frame'
  % first hole
  % second hole
% single winding
% collection of windings
  \multido{\iA = 1+1}{#1}{\Loop{\iA}}
% label
    {$\Psi_{\scriptscriptstyle \Name{#2}}$}
% windings and label combined
  % top windings
  % label
  % bottom windings
% black component
  % nodes
  % bottom wire
  % component
    fillstyle = solid,
    fillcolor = black
  % top wire
  % labels
% black component, gathered

%%% parameters %%%
% core placement
% wire placement
% number of windings
% electromagnet--components distance
% black components



\psset{unit = 0.5}
 %%% electromagnet
  % core
  % wires and labels
 %%% components









\draw (0,0) rectangle (7,5);
\draw (1,1) rectangle (3,4);
\draw (4,1) rectangle (6,4);

\foreach \i in {0,3,6}{
\path[fill] (-0.3,3.5) circle (2pt);
\draw[thick] (-0.3,3.5) -- (1,3.5) arc [start angle=0, delta angle =-180, radius=.5mm, rotate=90];
\draw[thick] (0,3.4) arc [start angle=0, delta angle =180, radius=.5mm, rotate=90] -- (1,3.3) arc [start angle=0, delta angle =-180, radius=.5mm, rotate=90];
\draw[thick] (0,3.2) arc [start angle=0, delta angle =180, radius=.5mm, rotate=90] -- (1.3,3.1);
\path[fill] (1.3,3.1) circle (2pt);




只是为了好玩,我认为这是一个很好的例子,可以用pics和来练习quotes。你需要TiKZ 3.0.0哪个将前往 CTAN





    terminal_a/.pic = {%
        \coordinate (-in) at (-3mm,0);
        \coordinate (-out) at (-3mm,-4.5mm);

        \path[fill] (-in) circle (2pt);
        \draw[thick] (-in)--(0,0)--++(0:1cm) arc[start angle=90, delta angle=-180, radius=.75mm]; 
        \draw[thick] (0,-1.5mm) arc[start angle=90, delta angle=180, radius=.75mm]--++(0:1cm) arc[start angle=90, delta angle=-180, radius=.75mm]; 
        \fill (-out) circle (2pt);
        \draw[thick] (-out) -- ++(0:3mm);
    terminal_b/.pic = {%
        \coordinate (-in) at (-3mm,0);
        \coordinate (-out) at (-3mm,-7.5mm);

        \path[fill] (-in) circle (2pt);
        \draw[thick] (-in)--(0,0)--++(0:1cm) arc[start angle=90, delta angle=-180, radius=.75mm]; 
        \draw[thick] (0,-1.5mm) arc[start angle=90, delta angle=180, radius=.75mm]--++(0:1cm) arc[start angle=90, delta angle=-180, radius=.75mm]; 
        \draw[thick] (0,-4.5mm) arc[start angle=90, delta angle=180, radius=.75mm]--++(0:1cm) arc[start angle=90, delta angle=-180, radius=.75mm]; 
        \fill (-out) circle (2pt);
        \draw[thick] (-out) -- ++(0:3mm);
    field/.pic = {
        \draw[thick,-Stealth] (0,0) -- (90:7mm) node[above] {\tikzpictext};

\draw (0,0) rectangle (7,5);
\draw (1,1) rectangle (3,4);
\draw (4,1) rectangle (6,4);

\foreach \i/\j in {0/A,3/B,6/C}{
    \pic (upper-\j) at (\i,3.8) {terminal_a};
    \pic (lower-\j) at (\i,2) {terminal_b};
    \pic["$\Psi_\j$"] at ([xshift=5mm]\i,2.2) {field};

\node[left] at (upper-A-in) {A};
\draw[red] (upper-A-out) to [bend right] (lower-A-in);








    { % core HV - LV
    \coordinate (a) at (-4,-5);
    \draw (a)
    %node {X} %debug
          [thick](a) ++(0.95,3.3) -- +(6.1,0);
    \draw [thick](a) ++(0.95,2.3) -- +(6.1,0);
    \draw [thick](a) ++(0.95,1.3) -- +(6.1,0);
    { % LV star
    \coordinate (a) at (4,-5);
    \draw (a)
    %node {x} %debug
    ++(0,0) node [anchor=north] {$n_2$}
    to [short, *-] 
    ++(-3.5,0) to [short,-] 
    ++(0,3)   to [short,-] 
    ++(-0.5,-1) to [short,*-] 
    ++(-0.5,-1) to [short,*-] 
    { % HV delta1
    \coordinate (a) at (-4,-5);
    \draw (a)
    %node {X} %debug
    to [short,-] 
    to [short,-] 
    to [short,-]
    to [short,-]
    to [short,-]
    to [short,-*]
    { % HV conection
    \coordinate (a) at (-4,-5);
    \draw (a)
    %node {X}%debug
    ++(-1,0) node [anchor=east] {$N$} 
    to[short, o-] 
    ++(-1,1) node [anchor=east] {$C$} 
    to[short, o-]
    ++(-1,1) node [anchor=east] {$B$} 
    to[short, o-]
    ++(-1,1) node [anchor=east] {$A$} 
    to[short, o-]
    { % LV conection
    \coordinate (a) at (4,-5);
    \draw (a)
    %node {x}%debug
    to[short, -o] 
    ++(1,0) node [anchor=west] {$n$} 
    to[short, -o]
    ++(1,0)node [anchor=west] {$c$} 
    to[short, -o]
    ++(1,0) node [anchor=west] {$b$} 
    to[short, -o]
    ++(1,0)node [anchor=west] {$a$};
    { % HV Winding
    \coordinate (a) at (-4,-5);
    \draw (a)
    %node {X}%debug
    ++(0,1) node [anchor=north] {$C_2$} 
    to [L,*-*, i>^=$i_{CB}$] 
      +(3,0) node [anchor=north] {$C_1$};
    (a)++(0,2) node [anchor=north] {$B_2$} 
    to [L,*-*] 
      +(3,0) node [anchor=north] {$B_1$};
    (a)++(0,3) node [anchor=north] {$A_2$} 
    to [L,*-*] 
      +(3,0) node [anchor=north] {$A_1$};
    { % LV Winding
    \coordinate (a) at (4,-5);
    \draw (a)
    %node {x} %debug
    ++(-3,1) node [anchor=north] {$c_1$} 
    to [L,*-*, i=$i_{c_{12}}$, v_=$u_{c_{12}}$] 
    +(3,0) node [anchor=north] {$c_2$};
    (a)++(-3,2) node [anchor=north] {$b_1$} 
    to [L,*-*] 
    +(3,0) node [anchor=north] {$b_2$};
    (a)++(-3,3) node [anchor=north] {$a_1$} 
    to [L,*-*] 
    +(3,0) node [anchor=north] {$a_2$};

Transformer parts.
    \draw (0,0) node {(0,0)}; 
    { % HV conection
    \coordinate (a) at (-5,5);
    \draw (a)
    node {X}%debug
    ++(-1,0) node [anchor=east] {$N$} 
    to[short, o-] 
    ++(-1,1) node [anchor=east] {$C$} 
    to[short, o-]
    ++(-1,1) node [anchor=east] {$B$} 
    to[short, o-]
    ++(-1,1) node [anchor=east] {$A$} 
    to[short, o-]
    { % LV conection
    \coordinate (a) at (5,5);
    \draw (a)
    node {x}%debug
    to[short, -o] 
    ++(1,0) node [anchor=west] {$n$} 
    to[short, -o]
    ++(1,0)node [anchor=west] {$c$} 
    to[short, -o]
    ++(1,0) node [anchor=west] {$b$} 
    to[short, -o]
    ++(1,0)node [anchor=west] {$a$};
    { % HV Winding
    \coordinate (a) at (-4,1);
    \draw (a)
    node {X}%debug
%   ++(0,1) node [anchor=north] {$C_2$} % option 1
    ++(0,1) node [anchor=south] {$C_2$} % option 2 

    to [L,*-*] 
      +(3,0) node [anchor=north] {$C_1$};
    (a)++(0,2) node [anchor=north] {$B_2$} 
    to [L,*-*] 
      +(3,0) node [anchor=north] {$B_1$};
    (a)++(0,3) node [anchor=north] {$A_2$} 
    to [L,*-*] 
      +(3,0) node [anchor=north] {$A_1$};
    { % LV Winding
    \coordinate (a) at (4,1);
    \draw (a)
    node {x} %debug
    ++(-3,1) node [anchor=north] {$c_1$} 
    to [L,*-*] 
%   +(3,0) node [anchor=north] {$c_2$}; % option 1
    +(3,0) node [anchor=south] {$c_2$}; % option 2
    (a)++(-3,2) node [anchor=north] {$b_1$} 
    to [L,*-*] 
    +(3,0) node [anchor=north] {$b_2$};
    (a)++(-3,3) node [anchor=north] {$a_1$} 
    to [L,*-*] 
    +(3,0) node [anchor=north] {$a_2$};
    { % HV star
    \coordinate (a) at (-4,5);
    \draw (a)
    node {X} %debug
    ++(0,0) node [anchor=north] {$N_2$}
    to [short, *-] 
    ++(3.5,0) to [short,-] 
    ++(0,3)   to [short,-] 
    ++(+0.5,-1) to [short,*-] 
    ++(+0.5,-1) to [short,*-] 
    { % LV star
    \coordinate (a) at (4,5);
    \draw (a)
    node {x} %debug
    ++(0,0) node [anchor=north] {$n_2$}
    to [short, *-] 
    ++(-3.5,0) to [short,-] 
    ++(0,3)   to [short,-] 
    ++(-0.5,-1) to [short,*-] 
    ++(-0.5,-1) to [short,*-] 
    { % HV delta1
    \coordinate (a) at (-4,13);
    \draw (a)
    node {X} %debug
    to [short,-] 
    to [short,-] 
    to [short,-]
    to [short,-]
    to [short,-]
%   ++(-3.25,0) % option 1
    ++(-3.5,0) % option 2
    to [short,-*]
    { % HV delta11
    \coordinate (a) at (-4,9);
    \draw (a)
    node {X} %debug
    to [short,-] 
    to [short,-] 
    to [short,-]
    to [short,-]
    to [short,-]
%   ++(-3.25,0) % option 1
    ++(-3.5,0) % option 2
    to [short,-*]
 { % LV delta11
    \coordinate (a) at (4,9);
    \draw (a)
    node {x} %debug
    to [short,-] 
    to [short,-] 
    % link
    to [short,-]
    to [short,-]
    to [short,-]
%   ++(3.25,0) % option 1
    ++(3.5,0) % option 2
    to [short,-*]
    { % LV delta1
    \coordinate (a) at (4,13);
    \draw (a)
    node {x} %debug
    to [short,-] 
    to [short,-] 
    to [short,-]
    to [short,-]
    to [short,-]
%   ++(3.25,0) % option 1
    ++(3.5,0) % option 2
    to [short,-*]
    { % core HV - LV
    \coordinate (a) at (-4,17);
    \draw (a)
    node {X} %debug
          [thick](a) ++(0.95,3.3) -- +(6.1,0);
    \draw [thick](a) ++(0.95,2.3) -- +(6.1,0);
    \draw [thick](a) ++(0.95,1.3) -- +(6.1,0);
