我想为表格标题添加阴影。一切都很顺利,直到我开始使用 \cmidrule。这是我的输出:
下面的代码重新定义了 toprule 和 midrule 命令来考虑标题的阴影。
%%%%%% Set up the coloured tables %%%%%
\colorlet{tableheadcolor}{gray!25} % Table header colour = 25% gray
\colorlet{tablerowcolor}{gray!10} % Table row separator colour = 10% gray
% The top-most line of a table
% The line between the headings and the table body
%%%%%END: Set up the coloured tables %%%%%
\headcol & A & B\\ \cmidrule{2-3}
\headcol Blue & Red & Yellow\\ \midline
1 & 2 & 3 \\ \bottomrule
\headcol & A & B\\
\arrayrulecolor{tableheadcolor} \specialrule{6pt}{0pt}{-6pt} \arrayrulecolor{black}
\headcol Blue & Red & Yellow\\
1 & 2 & 3 \\