\qformat{\textbf{\thequestion .} \hspace{0.2cm} \slshape [Maximum mark: \thepoints] \hfill}
% \renewcommand{\questionshook}{\setlength{\parsep}{4mm}} I'm not using this bit but I know %
% how to adjust the space to the parts %
Blah blah blah...
This question has got quite a wordy introduction that may spill over onto a second or even
a higher number of successive lines all chock full of vital information.
\newline Given that this question has some parts, how would you:
\part Answer this. \hfill \textit{[1 mark]}
\part Answer that. \hfill \textit{[2 marks]}
\part This question doesn't have an intro so just answer it. \hfill \textit{[1 mark]}
\part And then answer this bit. \hfill \textit{[15 marks]}
This one is dead easy, so just answer it.
然后我不喜欢水平间距。如果将 [最高分数:...] 到引言和非分题(1 和 3)中文本的距离与问题 2 中的距离进行比较,会发现两者有所不同。我希望能够将问题 1 和 3 中的距离增加到至少与 Q2 中的距离相同,或者最好增加到我选择的距离。
我可以通过改变行距来做到这一点,但 Q1 介绍中的多行文本也会变得同样间隔开 - 这也不是我想要的。
在定义中添加了一条规则 () \qformat
\qformat{\textbf{\thequestion .} \hspace{0.2cm} \slshape [Maximum mark: \thepoints]\mystrut\hfill}
% \renewcommand{\questionshook}{\setlength{\parsep}{4mm}} I'm not using this bit but I know %
% how to adjust the space to the parts %
Blah blah blah...
This question has got quite a wordy introduction that may spill over onto a second or even
a higher number of successive lines all chock full of vital information.
\newline Given that this question has some parts, how would you:
\part Answer this. \hfill \textit{[1 mark]}
\part Answer that. \hfill \textit{[2 marks]}
\part This question doesn't have an intro so just answer it. \hfill \textit{[1 mark]}
\part And then answer this bit. \hfill \textit{[15 marks]}
This one is dead easy, so just answer it.