包含 Tikz-PGF 图形时出现“TeX 容量超出”错误

包含 Tikz-PGF 图形时出现“TeX 容量超出”错误

我有以下 TeX 文件 transfer_report.tex,其中包含两个 Tikz-PGF 图形...



% Figure 1
            \node [matrix,matrix anchor=mid, column sep=5pt, row sep=20pt] {
            % hidden layer
            \node (inv) [draw=none] {}; &
            \node (inv) [draw=none] {}; &
            \node (inv) [draw=none] {}; &
            \node (h1) [latent] {$h_1$}; &
            \node (h2) [latent] {$h_2$}; &
            \node (hlabel) [draw=none] {$\mathbf{h}$};

            % visible layer
            \node (inv) [draw=none] {}; &
            \node (inv) [draw=none] {}; &
            \node (x1) [latent] {$v_1$}; &
            \node (x2) [latent] {$v_2$}; &
            \node (x3) [latent] {$v_3$}; &
            \node (x4) [latent] {$v_4$}; &
            \node (xlabel) [draw=none] {$\mathbf{v}$}; &        
            \node (inv) [draw=none] {}; &       

            % connections
            \draw [-] (x1) -- node [left=2pt] {} (h1);
            \draw [-] (x1) -- node [left=2pt] {} (h2);
            \draw [-] (x2) -- node [left=2pt] {} (h1);
            \draw [-] (x2) -- node [left=2pt] {} (h2);
            \draw [-] (x3) -- node [left=2pt] {} (h1);
            \draw [-] (x3) -- node [left=2pt] {} (h2);
            \draw [-] (x4) -- node [left=2pt] {} (h1);
            \draw [-] (x4) -- node [right=2pt] {W} (h2);

% Figure 2  
        \begin{tikzpicture}[thick,scale=0.6, every node/.style={scale=0.6}]
            \node [matrix,matrix anchor=mid, column sep=4pt, row sep=30pt] {
            % hidden layer
            \node (inv) [draw=none] {}; &
            \node (inv) [draw=none] {}; &
            \node (inv) [draw=none] {}; &
            \node (inv) [draw=none] {}; &
            \node (inv) [draw=none] {}; &
            \node (h1) [latent] {}; &
            \node (h2) [latent] {}; &
            \node (h3) [latent] {}; &
            \node (h4) [latent] {}; &
            \node (dots) [draw=none] {\LARGE $\ldots$}; &
            \node (hn) [latent] {}; &
            \node (hlabel) [draw=none] {\LARGE $\mathbf{h}$};

            % visible layer input nodes
            \node (x1) [latent] {}; &
            \node (dots1) [draw=none]{\LARGE $\ldots$}; &
            \node (x2) [latent] {}; &
            \node (x3) [latent] {}; &
            \node (dots2) [draw=none] {\LARGE $\ldots$}; &
            \node (x4) [latent] {}; &
            \node (dots3) [draw=none] {\LARGE $\ldots$}; &
            \node (x5) [latent] {}; &
            \node (dots4) [draw=none] {\LARGE $\ldots$}; &
            \node (x6) [latent] {}; &
            \node (dots) [draw=none] {}; &          

            % visible layer class nodes
            \node (y1) [latent] {}; &
            \node (dots5) [draw=none] {\LARGE $\ldots$}; &
            \node (yn) [latent] {}; &
            \node (ylabel) [draw=none] {\LARGE $\mathbf{v}$};

            % boxes around sets of nodes
            \plate{px1}{(x1)(x2)}{}{rounded corners};
            \plate{px2}{(x3)(x4)}{}{rounded corners};
            \plate{px3}{(x5)(x6)}{}{rounded corners};
            \plate{pxx}{(px1)(px3)}{}{rounded corners};
            \plate{py}{(y1)(yn)}{}{rounded corners};
            \node (lab1) [draw=none, below=0.3cm of dots1 {\LARGE $s_{(t - n + 1)}$};
            \node (lab2) [draw=none, below=0.3cm of dots2]{\LARGE $s_{(t - n + 2)}$};
            \node (lab3) [draw=none, below=0.4cm of dots3]{\LARGE $\ldots$};
            \node (lab4) [draw=none, below=0.3cm of dots4]{\LARGE $s_{(t - 1)}$};
            \node (lab5) [draw=none, below=0.3cm of dots5]{\LARGE $s_{(t)}$};

            % connections
            \draw [<->] (ph) -- node [right=20pt] {\LARGE $\mathbf{W}$} (pxx);
            \draw [<->] (ph) -- node {} (py);


...这是我在上面的 TeX 文件中使用的 CUEDthesisPSnPDF.cls 文件...

% CUEDthesis v1.1
% By Harish Bhanderi <[email protected]
% Version 1.0 released 15/07/2002
% Version 1.1 released 14/07/2010
%-------------------------- identification ---------------------
\ProvidesClass{CUEDthesisPSnPDF}[2010/07/14 v1.1 CUED thesis class]
%-------------------------- initial code -----------------------


   \LoadClass[dvips, a4paper]{book}%
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\usepackage[usenames, dvipsnames]{color}
\usepackage[square, sort, numbers, authoryear]{natbib}

% For trees

% Tikz stuff

% PGFPlots externalization to avoid exceeding TeX capacity.
% \usepgfplotslibrary{external}
% \tikzexternalize
% ... to be used together with -shell-escape option to pdflatex.

% Helps in debugging version incompatibilities in the .log file
% \listfiles

\tikzset{latent/.style={circle,fill=white,draw=black,inner sep=1pt, 
minimum size=20pt, font=\fontsize{10}{10}\selectfont},
const/.style={rectangle, inner sep=0pt},
factor/.style={rectangle, fill=black,minimum size=5pt, inner sep=0pt},
>={triangle 45}}


% shapename, fitlist, caption, pos
        \node (invis#1) [draw, color=white, inner sep=2pt,rectangle, fit=#2] {};

        \node (#1) [draw,inner sep=0pt, rectangle,fit=(invis#1),#3,#4] {};

%uncomment next line to change bibliography name to references for Book document class
% note that this doesn't do much if you later define another bibliography style 

% Nomenclature
   \item[\textbf{Roman Symbols}] }{%             A - Roman
     \item[\textbf{Greek Symbols}]}{%             G - Greek
        \item[\textbf{Superscripts}]}{%              R - Superscripts
           \item[\textbf{Subscripts}]}{{%             S - Subscripts
         \item[\textbf{Other Symbols}]}{{%    X - Other Symbols
         \item[\textbf{Acronyms}]}%              Z - Acronyms

%--> Google.com search "hyperref options"
%--> http://www.ai.mit.edu/lab/sysadmin/latex/documentation/latex/hyperref/manual.pdf
%--> http://www.chemie.unibas.ch/~vogtp/LaTeX2PDFLaTeX.pdf 
%--> http://www.uni-giessen.de/partosch/eurotex99/ oberdiek/print/sli4a4col.pdf
%--> http://me.in-berlin.de/~miwie/tex-refs/html/latex-packages.html
    \usepackage[ pdftex, plainpages = false, pdfpagelabels, 
                 pdfpagelayout = OneColumn, % display single page, advancing flips the page - Sasa Tomic
                 bookmarksopen = true,
                 bookmarksnumbered = true,
                 breaklinks = true,
                 colorlinks = true,
                 linkcolor = blue,
                 urlcolor  = blue,
                 citecolor = red,
                 anchorcolor = green,
                 hyperindex = true,
    \DeclareGraphicsExtensions{.png, .jpg, .pdf}

    \usepackage[ dvips, 
                 bookmarksopen = true,
                 bookmarksnumbered = true,
                 breaklinks = true,
                 colorlinks = true,
                 linkcolor = blue,
                 urlcolor  = blue,
                 citecolor = red,
                 anchorcolor = green,
                 hyperindex = true,

    \DeclareGraphicsExtensions{.eps, .ps}

%define the page size including an offset for binding

%A4 settings



\renewcommand{\chaptermark}[1]{\markboth{\MakeUppercase{\thechapter. #1 }}{}}

\newcommand{\submittedtext}{{A report submitted for the purpose of}}
% These macros are used to declare arguments needed for the
% construction of the title page and other preamble.

% The year and term the degree will be officially conferred
% The full (unabbreviated) name of the degree
% The name of your college or department(eg. Trinity, Pembroke, Maths, Physics)
% The name of your University
% Defining the crest

% These macros define an environment for front matter that is always 
% single column even in a double-column document.


%define title page layout
\pagenumbering{roman} % Sasa Tomic
\setcounter{page}{0}  % Sasa Tomic
%  \null\vfill
    { \Huge {\bfseries {\@title}} \par}
{\large \vspace*{35mm} {{\@crest} \par} \vspace*{25mm}}
    {{\Large \@author} \par}
{\large \vspace*{1ex}
    {{\@collegeordept} \par}
    {{\@university} \par}
    {{\submittedtext} \par}
    {\it {\@degree} \par}

% The dedication environment makes sure the dedication gets its
% own page and is set out in verse format.

  {\LARGE }
  \begin{quote} \begin{center}}
{\end{center} \end{quote} \end{alwayssingle}}

% The acknowledgements environment puts a large, bold, centered 
% "Acknowledgements" label at the top of the page. The acknowledgements
% themselves appear in a quote environment, i.e. tabbed in at both sides, and
% on its own page.

{\Large \bfseries Acknowledgements}

% The acknowledgementslong environment puts a large, bold, centered 
% "Acknowledgements" label at the top of the page. The acknowledgement itself 
% does not appears in a quote environment so you can get more in.

{\Large \bfseries Acknowledgements}

%The abstract environment puts a large, bold, centered "Abstract" label at
%the top of the page. The abstract itself appears in a quote environment,
%i.e. tabbed in at both sides, and on its own page.

\newenvironment{abstracts} {\begin{alwayssingle} \pagestyle{empty}
  {\Large \bfseries  Abstract}

%The abstractlong environment puts a large, bold, centered "Abstract" label at
%the top of the page. The abstract itself does not appears in a quote
%environment so you can get more in.

\newenvironment{abstractslong} {\begin{alwayssingle} \pagestyle{empty}
  {\Large \bfseries  Abstract}
  \vspace{0.5cm} \begin{quote}}

%The abstractseparate environment is for running of a page with the abstract
%on including title and author etc as required to be handed in separately

\newenvironment{abstractseparate} {\begin{alwayssingle} \pagestyle{empty}
    { \Large {\bfseries {\@title}} \par}
    {{\large \vspace*{1ex} \@author} \par}
{\large \vspace*{1ex}
    {{\@collegeordept} \par}
    {{\@university} \par}
    {{\it \submittedtext} \par}
    {\it {\@degree} \par}

% The romanpages environment set the page numbering to lowercase roman one
% for the contents and figures lists. It also resets
% page-numbering for the remainder of the dissertation (arabic, starting at 1).


当我编译 TeX 文件时,出现错误

! TeX capacity exceeded, sorry [input stack size=5000].
\@setfontsize #1#2#3->\@nomath #1
\ifx \protect \@typeset@protect \let \@curr...
l.157 ... (lab2) [draw=none, below=0.3cm of dots2]
{\LARGE $s_{(t - n + 2)}$};
If you really absolutely need more capacity,
you can ask a wizard to enlarge me.
Here is how much of TeX's memory you used:
15863 strings out of 493482
285481 string characters out of 3137569
391082 words of memory out of 3000000
18829 multiletter control sequences out of 15000+200000
18450 words of font info for 71 fonts, out of 3000000 for 9000
957 hyphenation exceptions out of 8191
5000i,15n,7501p,2136b,954s stack positions out of 5000i,500n,10000p,200000b,50000s
Output written on transfer_report.dvi (21 pages, 84624 bytes).

但是,当我注释掉第二个图时,这个错误不会出现,并且我的 PDF 中会显示第一个图。此外,如果我在 transfer_report.tex 中注释掉以下几行,我可以编译 transfer_report.tex 并仍然在 PDF 中显示两个图

\node (lab1) [draw=none, below=0.3cm of dots1]{\LARGE $s_{(t - n + 1)}$};
\node (lab2) [draw=none, below=0.3cm of dots2]{\LARGE $s_{(t - n + 2)}$};
\node (lab3) [draw=none, below=0.4cm of dots3]{\LARGE $\ldots$};
\node (lab4) [draw=none, below=0.3cm of dots4]{\LARGE $s_{(t - 1)}$};
\node (lab5) [draw=none, below=0.3cm of dots5]{\LARGE $s_{(t)}$};

但是如果没有这 4 行代码,我的图就不完整。那么 (1) 为什么只有取消注释这 4 行代码时才会出现此错误? (2) 我该如何修复此问题?

