

以下脚本在第 2 页生成默认索引,其中包含条目“names 1”,在第 3 页生成单行“namestitle=Names”,在第 3 页生成第 2 页的重复索引。文件names.ind未创建。如何获取两个索引?

\newindex{names}{idx}{ind}{Name Index}
this is a test of using multi indices
\index{1st entry into default index=Book 1}
\index{names}{1st entry into names index=Author 1}
\index{2nd entry into default index=Book}
\index{names}{2nd entry into names index=Author 2}


This is pdfeTeXk, Version 3.141592-1.20a-2.2 (Web2c 7.5.3) (format=LATEX 2014.1.7)  26 JAN 2014 21:29
 Source specials enabled.
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\openout3 = `Mult_IndexGNY.idx'.

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Package index Info: Writing index file Mult_IndexGNY.idx on input line 6.

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] [2

]) (./Mult_IndexGNY.ind

] [4

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Here is how much of TeX's memory you used:
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Output written on Mult_IndexGNY.dvi (4 pages, 1384 bytes).


您正在加载index,但使用 的语法multind。以下是正确的index样式:

\newindex{names}{idn}{inn}{Name Index}
this is a test of using multi indices
\index{1st entry into default index=Book 1}
\index[names]{1st entry into names index=Author 1}
\index{2nd entry into default index=Book}
\index[names]{2nd entry into names index=Author 2}


makeindex thesis
makeindex -o thesis.inn thesis.idn


\makeindex[name=names,title=Name Index]
this is a test of using multi indices
\index{1st entry into default index=Book 1}
\index[names]{1st entry into names index=Author 1}
\index{2nd entry into default index=Book}
\index[names]{2nd entry into names index=Author 2}

你呢没有运行 MakeIndex
