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& Landmarks in the Human Genome Project \\
1953& Watson-Crick publish DNA structure \\
1975& F.Sanger, A.Maxam and W.Gilbert develop methods for sequencing DNA \\
1977& Bacteriophage $\Phi X -174$ sequenced: first complete genome sequenced \\
1980& US Supreme court rules genetically modified bacteria are pantentable \\
1981& Human mitochondrial DNA sequenced: $16569$ base pairs \\
1984& Epstein-Barr virus genome sequenced: 172,281 base pairs\\
1990& International Human Genome Project launched \\
1991& J. Craig Venter identifies sequences of DNA complementary to messenger RNA \\
1992& Complete low resolution linkage map of the human genome \\
1992& \textit{Caenorhabditis} sequencing project begins \\
1992& J. Craig Venter forms the Institute for Genome Research (TIGR) \\
1992& Wellcome Trust and UK Medical Research Council establish The Sanger Center for large-scale genomic sequencing  & & & & & &\\
1995& First complete sequence of bacterial genome, \textit{Haemophilus influenzae} by TIGR \\
1996& High resolution map of human genome\\
1996& Completion of yeast genome, first eukaryotic genome sequence \\
1996& Celera claims to finish sequencing human genome by 2001, Wellcome Trust respond by increasing funding to the Sanger Center\\
1998& \textit{Caenorhabdtis elegans} genome published  \\
1998& \textit{Drosophila melanogaster} genome published  \\
1999& Human Genome project says it will sequence human genome with 2 years \\
1999& Sequence of first human chromosome published \\
2001& Joint announcement of complete sequence of human genome\\


但是,行颜色(在本例中定义为浅青色)似乎不受表格宽度的限制 - 它超出了边距。我是不是没有考虑到什么?显然,这不是我通常会注意到的事情,因为我创建的大多数表格都是白色背景,但为某些行添加颜色让我意识到背景颜色不受表格环境的限制。



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& Landmarks in the Human Genome Project \\
1953& Watson-Crick publish DNA structure \\
1975& F.Sanger, A.Maxam and W.Gilbert develop methods for sequencing DNA \\
1977& Bacteriophage $\Phi X -174$ sequenced: first complete genome sequenced \\
1980& US Supreme court rules genetically modified bacteria are pantentable \\
1981& Human mitochondrial DNA sequenced: $16569$ base pairs \\
1984& Epstein-Barr virus genome sequenced: 172,281 base pairs\\
1990& International Human Genome Project launched \\
1991& J. Craig Venter identifies sequences of DNA complementary to messenger RNA \\
1992& Complete low resolution linkage map of the human genome \\
1992& \textit{Caenorhabditis} sequencing project begins \\
1992& J. Craig Venter forms the Institute for Genome Research (TIGR) \\
1992& Wellcome Trust and UK Medical Research Council establish The Sanger Center for large-scale genomic sequencing\\
1995& First complete sequence of bacterial genome, \textit{Haemophilus influenzae} by TIGR \\
1996& High resolution map of human genome\\
1996& Completion of yeast genome, first eukaryotic genome sequence \\
1996& Celera claims to finish sequencing human genome by 2001, Wellcome Trust respond by increasing funding to the Sanger Center\\
1998& \textit{Caenorhabdtis elegans} genome published  \\
1998& \textit{Drosophila melanogaster} genome published  \\
1999& Human Genome project says it will sequence human genome with 2 years \\
1999& Sequence of first human chromosome published \\
2001& Joint announcement of complete sequence of human genome\\


