Comments=\{\{7322,{""}\},\{7424,\text{"remove unnecessary default editor parts"},\\ \text{"Add the updated Bugzilla people part"}\}\\, \{7696,\text{"remove unnecessary default editor parts"},\\ \text{"Add the updated Bugzilla people part"},\text{"Add Bugzilla vote Planning part"}\} ,\\ \{8045,\text{"Task Submit Error"},\text{"Please enter a short summary before submitting"},\\ \text{"Please select a component before submitting"},\\,
\{8565,\text{"org.eclipse.mylyn.bugzilla.ui.editors.part.flags"}\\,\text{"org.eclipse.mylyn.bugzilla.ui.editors.part.planning"},\\ \text{"Force the most recent known good token onto the outgoing task data to ensure submit"}\}\\,
\{\{7710,7691\}\text{"remove unnecessary default editor parts"},\\ \text{"Add the updated Bugzilla people part"},\text{"Add Bugzilla vote Planning part"},\\ \text{"org.eclipse.mylyn.bugzilla.ui.editors.part.flags"}\}\}\}
Comments = \= \{\{7322,`` ''\},\{7424,``remove unnecessary default editor parts'',\\
\>``Add the updated Bugzilla people part''\},\\
\>\{7696,``remove unnecessary default editor parts'',\\
\>``Add the updated Bugzilla people part'',
``Add Bugzilla vote Planning part''\},\\
\>\{8045,``Task Submit Error'',
``Please enter a short summary before submitting'',\\
\>``Please select a component before submitting'',\\
\>``Force the most recent known good token onto the outgoing task data to ensure submit''\},\\
\>\{\{7710,7691\}``remove unnecessary default editor parts'',\\
\>``Add the updated Bugzilla people part'',``Add Bugzilla vote Planning part'',\\
\usepackage[maaargin=1in]{geometry}% http://ctan.org/pkg/geometry
\usepackage{amsmath}% http://ctan.org/pkg/amsmath
\text{Comments} ={}& \{\{7322, \text{`` ''}\}, \{7424, \text{``remove unnecessary default editor parts''}, \\
& \text{``Add the updated Bugzilla people part''} \}, \\
& \{7696, \text{``remove unnecessary default editor parts''}, \\
& \text{``Add the updated Bugzilla people part''}, \text{``Add Bugzilla vote Planning part''} \}, \\
& \{8045, \text{``Task Submit Error''}, \text{``Please enter a short summary before submitting''}, \\
& \text{``Please select a component before submitting''}, \\
& \{8565, \text{``org.eclipse.mylyn.bugzilla.ui.editors.part.flags''}, \\
& \text{``org.eclipse.mylyn.bugzilla.ui.editors.part.planning''}, \\
& \text{``Force the most recent known good token onto the outgoing task data to ensure submit''} \}, \\
& \{ \{ 7710, 7691 \}, \text{``remove unnecessary default editor parts''}, \\
& \text{``Add the updated Bugzilla people part''}, \text{``Add Bugzilla vote Planning part''}, \\
& \text{``org.eclipse.mylyn.bugzilla.ui.editors.part.flags''} \} \} \}
Comments = \Longunderstack[l]{%
\{\{7322,{""}\},\{7424,\text{"remove unnecessary default editor parts"},\\ \text{"Add the updated Bugzilla people part"}\}\\, \{7696,\text{"remove unnecessary default editor parts"},\\ \text{"Add the updated Bugzilla people part"},\text{"Add Bugzilla vote Planning part"}\} ,\\ \{8045,\text{"Task Submit Error"},\text{"Please enter a short summary before submitting"},\\ \text{"Please select a component before submitting"},\\,
\{8565,\text{"org.eclipse.mylyn.bugzilla.ui.editors.part.flags"}\\,\text{"org.eclipse.mylyn.bugzilla.ui.editors.part.planning"},\\ \text{"Force the most recent known good token onto the outgoing task data to ensure submit"}\}\\,
\{\{7710,7691\}\text{"remove unnecessary default editor parts"},\\ \text{"Add the updated Bugzilla people part"},\text{"Add Bugzilla vote Planning part"},\\ \text{"org.eclipse.mylyn.bugzilla.ui.editors.part.flags"}\}\}\}