我知道之前有相当多关于如何排版反斜杠的问题被问到;但我正在寻找 \ 的特定位置,如下所示:
\ 下面,如屏幕截图所示。
\Huge$x\cdot\mySlash{G}{X}$ \mySlash{G}{X}
\stackunder[4pt]{\textbackslash}{$\scriptstyle #1$~}%
\stackon[3pt]{\textbackslash}{~$\scriptstyle #2$}%
The quotient (or orbit) space $\bsfrac{G}{X}$ is the set\ldots
\stackunder[3pt]{\tbs}{$\scriptstyle #1$\ \,}%
\stackon[4pt]{\tbs}{\ \,$\scriptstyle #2$}%
The quotient (or orbit) space $\bsfrac{G}{X}$ is the set\ldots
以下是基于的答案角度分数。TikZ 的使用有点繁重,但我不知道其他方法可以做到这一点......
\tikzset{Slash/.style={scale=\SlashScale, rotate=\SlashAngle}}
\tikzset{Neumerator/.style={scale=\TextScale, xshift=-\NeumeratorXShift, yshift=-\NeumeratorYShift, inner sep=0, outer sep=0}}
\tikzset{Denominator/.style={scale=\TextScale, xshift=\DenomiatorXShift, yshift=\DenomiatorYShift, inner sep=0, outer sep=0}}
\tikz [x=1.4ex,y=1.4ex,line width=.09ex, baseline, yshift=0.6ex]
\draw [Slash] (-0.45,0.0) -- (0.45,0)
node [Neumerator ] at (0,0) {$#1$}
node [Denominator] at (0,0) {$#2$};
The quotient (or orbit) space $\Sfrac{G}{X}$ is the set of blablabla ...
% dimen 0: height of math axis
\dimen0=\ht0 %
% box 0: numerator
% box 2: denominator
% dimen 2: max. width of unrotated fraction = length of fraction line
\ifdim\wd0>\wd2 %
\dimen2=\wd0 %
\dimen2=\wd2 %
% box 4: rotated fraction line with middle point at base line
% dimen 4: side bearings of \frac
% dimen 6: half of the thickness of rule with separation space
% For getting the line separation space, an object with an depth
% is needed to minimize the space
\dimen6=\wd4 %
\frac{\kern\dimen2\vrule width\z@ depth\dimen6}{\kern\dimen2}%
\setbox4=\hbox to \dimen2{\hss\lower\dimen0\copy4\hss}%
\ht4=.2pt %
\dp4=.2pt %
% output left side bearing
\kern\dimen4 %
% output denominator
-.5\wd2 %
+.4330127\dimexpr\revfrac@factor\ht2\relax % 0.4330127 = 0.5 * sin(60)
+.125\wd2 % .125 = .5 * sin(30) * sin(30)
+.5\dimen6 % 0.5 = sin(30)
-.5\wd4 %
\ifdim-\dimen8>\wd2 %
\dimen0 %
-\ht2 %
-.216506351\wd2 % 0.216506351 = 1/4 sin(60)
-.8660254\dimen6 % 0.8660254 = sin(60)
+.25\dimexpr\revfrac@factor\ht2\relax % 0.25 = sin(30) * sin(30)
\relax\copy2 %
% output fraction line
\kern\dimen8 %
\raise\dimen0\copy4 %
% numerator
-.5\wd4 %
+.4330127\dimexpr\revfrac@factor\ht0\relax % 0.4330127 = 0.5 * sin(60)
+.125\wd0 % .125 = .5 * sin(30) * sin(30)
+.5\dimen6 % 0.5 = sin(30)
-.5\wd0 %
\kern\dimen8 %
\dimen0 %
+.216506351\wd0 % 0.216506351 = 1/4 sin(60)
+.8660254\dimen6 % 0.8660254 = sin(60)
-.25\dimexpr\revfrac@factor\ht0\relax % 0.25 = sin(30) * sin(30)
\relax\copy0 %
\ifdim-\dimen8>\wd0 %
% output right side bearing
The quotient space $\revfrac{X}{G}$ is the set of \dots
X = \bigsqcup_{\bar x\in\revfrac{X}{G}} \bar x
> \textstyle \revfrac{X}{G}
> \scriptstyle \revfrac{X}{G}
> \scriptscriptstyle \revfrac{X}{G}