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\documentclass[paper=a4]{article} % A4 paper and 11pt font size
\usepackage[english]{babel} % English language/hyphenation
\usepackage{amsmath,amsfonts,amsthm} % Math packages
The purpose of this project is to
The system to be analysed through the duration of this project is a two-car train, interconnected with a spring, as shown in Figure 1:\\
\caption{two-car train, interconnected with a spring}
It was initially proposed to use the absolute displacements of the carts as state variables, but it turns out that this results in the system becoming unobservable. The choice was thus made to choose the state variables:\\
x =
\Delta \\
v_1 \\
where $v_1=\dot{z_1}$ and $v_2=\dot{z_2}$ are the speeds of cars 1 and 2, respectively.\\
Note that we are dealing with a third order system, as we have 3 state variables.
The state equation of the system is given by:\\
and the observation equation by:\\
We thus have a single input single output (SISO) system with the voltage going to the motor of the first car as the input and the speed of the first car as the output.\\
We now substitute the following constants into the dynamics matrix A, the input matrix B and the observation matrix C:\\
We then get the following matrices:\\
A =
0 & -1 & 1 \\
40 & -0.01 & 0 \\
-40 & 0 & 0
B =
C =
0 & 1 & 0\\
\subsection*{Controllability and observability}
Before we start the analysis, it will be useful to confirm that the system at hand is indeed controllable and observable.\\
To be controllable, the rank of the controllability test matrix, defined by\\
Q =
B & AB & A^{2}B
has to be of the same order as the system. To be observable, the rank of the observability test matrix, defined by\\
N =
C' & A'C' & A'^{2}C'
has to be of the same rank as that of the system. Computing matrices Q and N and using the rank() function in MATLAB shows that the ranks of both matrices are 3, and thus equal to the order of the system. We now know that the system is controllable and observable and can thus use the tools at our disposal to design a controller for this system.
\section*{Question A}
Assuming all states are measured for feedback purposes, we will now determine the gain matrix
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