

我怎样才能为不同的章节使用不同的命名法?我使用 Chapterbib 作为参考。但是我找不到任何有关命名法的内容。


 \usepackage[sectionbib]{natbib}%makes reference as a section (not a chapter)
 \usepackage{chapterbib}% makes possible to have references at the end of each chapter
 \usepackage{hyperref}%heperlinks references
 \usepackage{framed}      % Framing content
 \usepackage[intoc]{nomencl}     % Nomenclature package [intoc] in table of content
 \setlength{\nomitemsep}{-\parskip} % Baseline skip between items



\chapterfirst chapter}
this is for a reference \citep{Biot1956a}


\chapter{second chapter}
this is for a reference \citep{Biot1956b}



     author = {Biot, Maurice A.},
      doi = {10.1063/1.1722402},
     journal = {Journal of Applied Physics},
     number = {5},
       pages = {459},
     title = {{Theory of Deformation of a Porous Viscoelastic Anisotropic Solid}},
      volume = {27},
        year = {1956}
       author = {Biot, Maurice A.},
     journal = {Journal of Applied Mechanics},
     pages = {91--96},
      title = {{General Soloutions of the Equations of Elasticity and Consolidation for            a Porous Material}},
      volume = {78},
      year = {1956}
