我知道它是用 Latex 创建的,但由于我是初学者,我真的不知道从哪里开始。是否可以在 TkiZ 中创建类似的东西?
;下面,使用 的选项matrix of math nodes
matrix of math nodes,
row sep=-\pgflinewidth,
column sep=-\pgflinewidth,
text width=5em,
inner xsep=7pt,
text depth=0.75ex,
text height=2ex
nodes in empty cells,
column 1/.style={align=left},
column 2/.style={align=right},
column 3/.style={align=left},
column 4/.style={align=right},
] (mat)
& 1 & 0 & \\
& \alpha\to\beta & & \\
& \mynot\beta\to\mynot\gamma & & \\
& \gamma & & \\
& & \alpha & \\
& |[align=left]|\mynot\beta & |[align=right]|\mynot\gamma & C1 \\
& \text{NO} & & N1 \\
\alpha & \beta & & C1 \\
% some additional labels
\node[label={right:$\gamma$},anchor=south,yshift=3pt] at (mat-7-3.south east) {};
\node[label={below:$X$},anchor=north,yshift=8pt] at (mat-7-3.south east) {};
\node[label={left:$\beta$},anchor=south,yshift=3pt] at (mat-7-1.south east) {};
% tiny lines at the bottom
\foreach \Colu in {1,3}
([xshift=-4pt]mat-8-\Colu.south west) --
([xshift=4pt]mat-8-\Colu.south west)
([xshift=-4pt,yshift=-2pt]mat-8-\Colu.south west) --
([xshift=4pt,yshift=-2pt]mat-8-\Colu.south west)
% thick lines inside the matrix
\begin{scope}[ultra thick]
(mat-2-2.north west) --
(mat-2-3.north east)
(mat-1-2.north east) --
(mat-6-2.north east) --
(mat-6-1.north east) --
(mat-7-1.south east) --
(mat-7-1.south west) --
(mat-8-1.south west)
(mat-7-1.south east) --
(mat-7-3.south west) --
(mat-8-3.south west)
(mat-6-2.north east) --
(mat-6-3.north east) --
(mat-7-3.south east)