printindex 目录中的条目

printindex 目录中的条目

TOC我希望索引中的条目与章节条目对齐。我可以用 来实现这一点\addcontents\printindex还会在 中放置一个条目,TOC但它与节条目对齐。


  1. 改变如何printindex进入TOC
  2. 以消除printindex进入。


\usepackage{multind}        % create the indices
\newcommand{\Ndx}[1] { \index{names}{#1} }     % define the type of entry
\newcommand{\Sdx}[1] { \index{subject}{#1} }   % to the indices
\usepackage[headings]{fullpage}         % 8-1/2, 11 page with 1" margins
\renewcommand{\sectionmark}[1]{\markright{\thesection.\ #1}}
\tableofcontents        % put table of contents here

\chapter{\bf Logic, Plausibility, and Probability}
\section{Logical Arguments and Reasoning }
It is obvious that logical arguments are essential to the judicial system. The logic must be able to treat syllogisms\Sdx{syllogism} that range from deductive\Sdx{syllogism!deductive} to abductive\Sdx{syllogism!abductive}, that is from strong to weak syllogisms \Sdx{syllogism!weak}\Sdx{syllogism!strong} as illustrated in the table taken from Author \Ndx{Author}
\Sdx{Cohen on probability}
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Subject Index}
\printindex{subject}{Subject Index}
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Name Index}
\printindex{names}{Name Index}




      % create the indices
\newcommand{\Ndx}[1] { \index{names}{#1} }     % define the type of entry
\newcommand{\Sdx}[1] { \index{subject}{#1} }   % to the indices
\usepackage[headings]{fullpage}         % 8-1/2, 11 page with 1" margins
\renewcommand{\sectionmark}[1]{\markright{\thesection.\ #1}}
\tableofcontents        % put table of contents here

\chapter{\bf Logic, Plausibility, and Probability}
\section{Logical Arguments and Reasoning }
It is obvious that logical arguments are essential to the judicial system. The logic must be able to treat syllogisms\Sdx{syllogism} that range from deductive\Sdx{syllogism!deductive} to abductive\Sdx{syllogism!abductive}, that is from strong to weak syllogisms \Sdx{syllogism!weak}\Sdx{syllogism!strong} as illustrated in the table taken from Author \Ndx{Author}
\Sdx{Cohen on probability}
\printindex{subject}{Subject Index}
\printindex{names}{Name Index}


顺便说一句,\bf是一个旧的 TeX 命令,在现代 LaTeX 文档中不应再使用;请使用\bfseries。此外,在 的参数中使用\bf(或)不会产生任何影响,因为类章节标题已经是粗体;要更改部分单元标题的格式,您可以使用专用包,例如或。\bfseries\chapterbooksectstytitlesec



\makeindex[name=names,title=Name Index,intoc=true]          
\makeindex[name=subject,title=Subject Index,intoc=true]



\chapter{Logic, Plausibility, and Probability}
\section{Logical Arguments and Reasoning }

\index[subject]{Cohen on probability}






  \columnseprule \z@ \columnsep 35pt
  \newpage \twocolumn[{\Large\bf #2 \vskip4ex}]
  \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{#2}%   <---- NEW BIT


这是一个完整的 MWE,请注意,我已将arara指令,这样你只需要运行

arara myfile

你 就会 得到 一个 完整 的pdf

% arara: pdflatex
% arara: makeindex: {files: [names]}
% arara: makeindex: {files: [subject]}
% arara: pdflatex
% arara: pdflatex
\usepackage{multind}        % create the indices
\newcommand{\Ndx}[1] { \index{names}{#1} }     % define the type of entry
\newcommand{\Sdx}[1] { \index{subject}{#1} }   % to the indices

  \columnseprule \z@ \columnsep 35pt
  \newpage \twocolumn[{\Large\bf #2 \vskip4ex}]

\tableofcontents        % put table of contents here

\chapter{Logic, Plausibility, and Probability}\label{Ch:Logic}
\section{Logical Arguments and Reasoning }
It is obvious that logical arguments are essential to the judicial system. The logic must be able to treat syllogisms\Sdx{syllogism} that range from deductive\Sdx{syllogism!deductive} to abductive\Sdx{syllogism!abductive}, that is from strong to weak syllogisms \Sdx{syllogism!weak}\Sdx{syllogism!strong} as illustrated in the table taken from Author \Ndx{Author}
\Sdx{Cohen on probability}
\printindex{subject}{Subject Index}
\printindex{names}{Name Index}
