我正在尝试创建一个具有两个独立 y 轴的图。右侧 y 轴为单位 * 10^5。但是,乘法标题的位置不正确。我使用以下代码:
axis y line* = left,
xlabel = grid size $l$,
ylabel = \textcolor{blue}{\footnotesize$\blacksquare$}
indices per $\mathcal{T}$,
ymode = log,
log origin=infty]
\addplot[color=blue,mark=x] coordinates {
hide x axis,
ylabel near ticks,
axis y line*=right,
ylabel={\textcolor{red}{\footnotesize$\blacksquare$} number of $\mathcal{T}_{pot}$}]
\addplot[color=red,mark=x] coordinates {
\draw[black,dashed] (axis cs:500000,0) -- (axis cs:500000,200000);
\draw (axis cs:500000,200000) node[below right] {$l_r$};
但是,我希望右上角的 *10^5 与 y 轴右侧对齐,而不是左侧。它应该像右侧 y 轴的刻度标签一样对齐。
您需要调整的选项是y tick scale label style
at={(yticklabel cs:1.05)}
这将与 y 轴上的其他刻度对齐,超出末尾 5%。如果您指定
at={(yticklabel cs:1.05,10pt)}
axis y line* = left,
xlabel = grid size $l$,
ylabel = \textcolor{blue}{\footnotesize$\blacksquare$}
indices per $\mathcal{T}$,
ymode = log,
log origin=infty]
\addplot[color=blue,mark=x] coordinates {
hide x axis,
ylabel near ticks,
axis y line*=right,
y tick scale label style={at={(yticklabel cs:1.05,10pt)}},
ylabel={\textcolor{red}{\footnotesize$\blacksquare$} number of $\mathcal{T}_{pot}$}]
\addplot[color=red,mark=x] coordinates {
\draw[black,dashed] (axis cs:500000,0) -- (axis cs:500000,200000);
\draw (axis cs:500000,200000) node[below right] {$l_r$};