



为了解决这个问题,我最终将表格/图形的定义封装在\newcommand元素中。这样,我的所有表格/图形都分组在文档的开头,然后更有意义的文本作为一个整体出现。以下 MWE 给出了一个想法:



    \caption{This is the caption for the apple figure.}

    \caption{This is the caption for the orange figure.}

    \caption{This is the caption for the fruits table.}
    \begin{tabular}{ l | c }
    Fruit & Calories \\
    Apple  & 52 \\
    Orange & 47 \\

This is a paragraph where apples are presented in Figure~\ref{fig:apple}. This is a very serious discussion regarding apples.

This is a paragraph where oranges are presented in Figure~\ref{fig:orange}. This is a quite a comprehensive analysis.

This is one final paragraph where fruits are discussed in Table~\ref{tab:fruits}. This is a thorough discussion.


这有效地允许将注意力集中在文本上,而不会受到太多干扰。但由于某些文件包含大量表格和图形,向下滚动以找到第一个有意义的句子现在变得不切实际。理想情况下,我希望真正的文本首先出现,以便表格/图形定义最终位于 latex 文件的底部。这不是使用我的提议的选项,因为\newcommand必须事先定义元素。

所以我的问题是:有没有一种方法(或一个包)可以让我从正文开始,到文件底部的所有表格/图形定义结束,同时在排版过程中对这些表格/图形的位置进行某种控制(因为我不希望它们只是作为列表出现在文档末尾)。我不介意手动提供一些位置标记(例如\plugFigureApple{}上面的 MWE 中的),但表格/图形也可以自动放置在离它们各自的第一个参考尽可能近的地方。




\newcommand\inputfloat[1]{\InputIfFileExists{float-#1}{}{\typeout{skipping #1}}}

This is a paragraph where apples are presented in Figure~\ref{fig:apple}. This is a very serious discussion regarding apples.

This is a paragraph where oranges are presented in Figure~\ref{fig:orange}. This is a quite a comprehensive analysis.

This is one final paragraph where fruits are discussed in Table~\ref{tab:fruits}. This is a thorough discussion.

    \caption{This is the caption for the apple figure.}

    \caption{This is the caption for the orange figure.}

    \caption{This is the caption for the fruits table.}
    \begin{tabular}{ l | c }
    Fruit & Calories \\
    Apple  & 52 \\
    Orange & 47 \\

