






    % max +23 Min -30





    %                           ----- Centre
    %                           ----- de l'ellipse surface

    %                           ---- Contact surface bord
    %                           ---- sup cylindre 

    %                           ----- grand axe au fond

% #1 premier point               ---- Angle entre 2 nodes ----
% #2 second point
% On récupère le résultat dans \MyAngle

%                                   ---- Calculate projection
    \coordinate (#1) at (\PjX,\PjY) ;

%                               ---- with a dot for debugging
    \node[small dot,label={[font=\scriptsize]#1}] at (#1) {}

%%%%                        ---- Use path several times
%%%%                        ---- thanks to Andrew Stacey
  use path for main/.code={%
      \expandafter\pgfsyssoftpath@setcurrentpath\csname tikz@intersect@path@name@#1\endcsname
  use path for actions/.code={%
    \expandafter\def\expandafter\tikz@preactions\expandafter{\tikz@preactions\expandafter\let\expandafter\tikz@actions@path\csname tikz@intersect@path@name@#1\endcsname}%
  use path/.style={%
    use path for main=#1,
    use path for actions=#1,

%%%%                        ---- Définition des styles ----
    small dot/.style={fill=black,circle,scale=0.3},

% ##############
% ##############
%\foreach \An in {36,15,1,0,-1,-12}{%


\clip (-\Radius-.5,-1.5*\Radius)
    rectangle (\Length+1,\Length+.5) ;

%%%% Debugging

% Repère 
\CoorXY[CB]{0}{0}{0} ; 
%\CoorXYT[X]{2}{0}{0} ; 
%\CoorXYT[Y]{0}{3}{0} ; 
%\CoorXYT[Z]{0}{0}{2} ; 
%\draw[red,<-] (X) -- ($ (X)!2!(CB) $) ;
%\draw[red,<-] (Y) -- ($ (Y)!2!(CB) $) ;
%\draw[red,<-] (Z) -- ($ (Z)!2!(CB) $) ;

% Ellipse du haut
\CoorXY[CH]{\LCos}{0}{\LSin} ;
\CoorXY[XH]{\LCos}{-\Radius}{\LSin} ;

% Ellipse surface
\CoorXY[SH]{\CX}{0}{\CZ} ;
\CoorXY[SXH]{\CX}{-\Radius}{\CZ} ;
\CoorXY[SYH]{\CXX}{0}{\CZ} ;

%\draw[thin,dashed] (SH)--(SYH) ;

% Ellipse du bas
%\CoorXYT[BD]{0}{\Radius}{0} ;
\CoorXY[BG]{0}{-\Radius}{0} ;
\CoorXY[BH]{-\RadSin}{0}{\RadCos} ;
%\CoorXYT[BB]{\RadSin}{0}{-\RadCos} ;

% Grand Axe
\CoorXY[GA]{\GAX}{\GAY}{\GAZ} ;

%%%%                        ---- Plan cylindre bas ----
    {\pgfpointanchor{BH}{center}} ;
%\draw (-1pt,-1pt) rectangle (1pt,1pt) ;
%\draw (0pt,-1pt) -- (0pt,1pt) (-1pt,0pt) -- (1pt,0pt) ;
\path [name path=fond] (0pt,0pt) circle (1pt) ;
\NodeAngle{CB}{GA} ;    
\coordinate (GaBL) at (\MyAngle:1pt) ;
\coordinate (GaBR) at (180+\MyAngle:1pt) ;

%%%%                        ---- Plan cylindre haut ----
    {\pgfpointanchor{SYH}{center}} ;
%\draw (-1pt,-1pt) rectangle (1pt,1pt) ;
%\draw (0pt,-1pt) -- (0pt,1pt) (-1pt,0pt) -- (1pt,-0pt) ;
\path [name path=haut] (0pt,0pt) circle (1pt) ;
% Attention dans ce plan l'axe y est vers le bas
\coordinate (GaHL) at (-\MyAngle:1pt) ;
\coordinate (GaHR) at (180-\MyAngle:1pt) ;  

%%%%                        ---- Plan de la surface ----
    {\pgfpointanchor{SYH}{center}} ;
%\draw (-1pt,-1pt) rectangle (1pt,1pt) ;
%\draw (0pt,-1pt) -- (0pt,1pt) (-1pt,0pt) -- (1pt,-0pt) ;
\coordinate (bobR) at (180-\MyAngle:1pt) ;
\coordinate (bobL) at (-\MyAngle:1pt) ;
\path [name path=surface] (0pt,0pt) circle (1pt) ;

\draw[red] (bobL)--(bobR) ;
\draw (GaBL)--(GaHL) ;
\draw (GaBR)--(GaHR) ;

%\pgfmathifthenelse{\AngleMax>\Angle}{0}{1} ;
    %%%% Cas ellipse %%%%

    % remplissage
        (GaBL)--(bobL)--(bobR)--(GaBR) --cycle ;

    % dessin de la surface
    \draw [use path=surface,surface] ;

    % dessin du fond
    % ##### don't work
    \draw [use path=fond,fond] ;

    %%%% cas ellipse tronquée %%%%




当你将某物放入 中时scope,范围实际上被限制在 范围内;)。使用 的主要思想scope是将内容与世界其他地方分开。这在很多情况下都很有用,比如我们想单独剪辑某个部分(还有其他有用的情况)。当你在范围内命名路径时也会发生同样的事情。路径名称仅在特定范围内可用。要使其在外部也可用,你应该使用name path globalTorbjørn T 提到的方法。

\path [name path global=fond] (0pt,0pt) circle (1pt) ;






    % max +23 Min -30





    %                           ----- Centre
    %                           ----- de l'ellipse surface

    %                           ---- Contact surface bord
    %                           ---- sup cylindre

    %                           ----- grand axe au fond

% #1 premier point               ---- Angle entre 2 nodes ----
% #2 second point
% On récupère le résultat dans \MyAngle

%                                   ---- Calculate projection
    \coordinate (#1) at (\PjX,\PjY) ;

%                               ---- with a dot for debugging
    \node[small dot,label={[font=\scriptsize]#1}] at (#1) {}

%%%%                        ---- Use path several times
%%%%                        ---- thanks to Andrew Stacey
  use path for main/.code={%
      \expandafter\pgfsyssoftpath@setcurrentpath\csname tikz@intersect@path@name@#1\endcsname
  use path for actions/.code={%
    \expandafter\def\expandafter\tikz@preactions\expandafter{\tikz@preactions\expandafter\let\expandafter\tikz@actions@path\csname tikz@intersect@path@name@#1\endcsname}%
  use path/.style={%
    use path for main=#1,
    use path for actions=#1,

%%%%                        ---- Définition des styles ----
    small dot/.style={fill=black,circle,scale=0.3},

% ##############
% ##############
%\foreach \An in {36,15,1,0,-1,-12}{%


\clip (-\Radius-.5,-1.5*\Radius)
    rectangle (\Length+1,\Length+.5) ;

%%%% Debugging

% Repère
\CoorXY[CB]{0}{0}{0} ;
%\CoorXYT[X]{2}{0}{0} ;
%\CoorXYT[Y]{0}{3}{0} ;
%\CoorXYT[Z]{0}{0}{2} ;
%\draw[red,<-] (X) -- ($ (X)!2!(CB) $) ;
%\draw[red,<-] (Y) -- ($ (Y)!2!(CB) $) ;
%\draw[red,<-] (Z) -- ($ (Z)!2!(CB) $) ;

% Ellipse du haut
\CoorXY[CH]{\LCos}{0}{\LSin} ;
\CoorXY[XH]{\LCos}{-\Radius}{\LSin} ;

% Ellipse surface
\CoorXY[SH]{\CX}{0}{\CZ} ;
\CoorXY[SXH]{\CX}{-\Radius}{\CZ} ;
\CoorXY[SYH]{\CXX}{0}{\CZ} ;

%\draw[thin,dashed] (SH)--(SYH) ;

% Ellipse du bas
%\CoorXYT[BD]{0}{\Radius}{0} ;
\CoorXY[BG]{0}{-\Radius}{0} ;
\CoorXY[BH]{-\RadSin}{0}{\RadCos} ;
%\CoorXYT[BB]{\RadSin}{0}{-\RadCos} ;

% Grand Axe
\CoorXY[GA]{\GAX}{\GAY}{\GAZ} ;

%%%%                        ---- Plan cylindre bas ----
    {\pgfpointanchor{BH}{center}} ;
%\draw (-1pt,-1pt) rectangle (1pt,1pt) ;
%\draw (0pt,-1pt) -- (0pt,1pt) (-1pt,0pt) -- (1pt,0pt) ;
\path [name path global=fond] (0pt,0pt) circle (1pt) ;
\NodeAngle{CB}{GA} ;
\coordinate (GaBL) at (\MyAngle:1pt) ;
\coordinate (GaBR) at (180+\MyAngle:1pt) ;

%%%%                        ---- Plan cylindre haut ----
    {\pgfpointanchor{SYH}{center}} ;
%\draw (-1pt,-1pt) rectangle (1pt,1pt) ;
%\draw (0pt,-1pt) -- (0pt,1pt) (-1pt,0pt) -- (1pt,-0pt) ;
\path [name path=haut] (0pt,0pt) circle (1pt) ;
% Attention dans ce plan l'axe y est vers le bas
\coordinate (GaHL) at (-\MyAngle:1pt) ;
\coordinate (GaHR) at (180-\MyAngle:1pt) ;

%%%%                        ---- Plan de la surface ----
    {\pgfpointanchor{SYH}{center}} ;
%\draw (-1pt,-1pt) rectangle (1pt,1pt) ;
%\draw (0pt,-1pt) -- (0pt,1pt) (-1pt,0pt) -- (1pt,-0pt) ;
\coordinate (bobR) at (180-\MyAngle:1pt) ;
\coordinate (bobL) at (-\MyAngle:1pt) ;
\path [name path=surface] (0pt,0pt) circle (1pt) ;

\draw[red] (bobL)--(bobR) ;
\draw (GaBL)--(GaHL) ;
\draw (GaBR)--(GaHR) ;

%\pgfmathifthenelse{\AngleMax>\Angle}{0}{1} ;
    %%%% Cas ellipse %%%%

    % remplissage
        (GaBL)--(bobL)--(bobR)--(GaBR) --cycle ;

    % dessin de la surface
    \draw [use path=surface,surface] ;

    % dessin du fond
    % ##### don't work
    \draw [use path=fond,fond] ;

    %%%% cas ellipse tronquée %%%%




与 path haut 相同,但与 path surface 配合良好吗?

