带有 threeparttable 的表格宽度是否小于注释和标题?

带有 threeparttable 的表格宽度是否小于注释和标题?




\caption{The is ment to be a very long table caption, which is wider than the table itself.}

Endowment & Mean error \\ 
0         & 1.67       \\
1         & 1.49*      \\
2         & 1.42**     \\
3         & 1.30***    \\
4         & 1.15***    \\
5         & 1.15***    \\
6         & 1.09***    \\
7         & 1.02***    \\
8         & 0.92***    \\
9         & 0.85***    \\
10        & 0.76**     \\

     \item The note is ment to be wider than the table itself, without having to make  the table wider and making it look ugly. 


我仍然对该命令有疑问\centerline;这不是最好的居中命令,我建议使用环境\begin{center}{\centering ... }代替。



重新定义 threeparttable 环境中的标题和注释所使用的最小空间量。这样做会得到一个严格意义上来说符合您要求的结果:




\caption{The is ment to be a very long table caption, which is wider than the table itself.}
Endowment & Mean error \\ 
0         & 1.67       \\
1         & 1.49*      \\
2         & 1.42**     \\
3         & 1.30***    \\
4         & 1.15***    \\
5         & 1.15***    \\
6         & 1.09***    \\
7         & 1.02***    \\
8         & 0.92***    \\
9         & 0.85***    \\
10        & 0.76**     \\
     \item The note is ment to be wider than the table itself, without having to make  the table wider and making it look ugly. 




你的下一个合乎逻辑的问题是,“如何将表格置于标题的中心?”我能找到的唯一推荐的解决方案是为什么我的表格没有用 threeparttable 居中?。那里的答案要么省略了表格顶部的标题,要么没有处理宽表问题(省略\renewcommand{\TPTminimum}{...})。使用该\makebox...解决方案,我们接近所需的结果,但前提是标题被省略或移至底部:




%\caption{The is ment to be a very long table caption, which is wider than the table itself.}
Endowment & Mean error \\ 
0         & 1.67 \\
1         & 1.49*      \\
2         & 1.42**     \\
3         & 1.30***    \\
4         & 1.15***    \\
5         & 1.15***    \\
6         & 1.09***    \\
7         & 1.02***    \\
8         & 0.92***    \\
9         & 0.85***    \\
10        & 0.76**     \\
  \item The note is meant to be wider than the table itself, without having to make  the table wider and making it look ugly. 









\caption{The is ment to be a very long table caption, which is wider than the table itself.}
\cmidrule[\heavyrulewidth]{2-3} % \toprule
~\rule{1in}{0in} & Endowment & Mean error  & \rule{1in}{0in}~ \\ 
\cmidrule[\lightrulewidth]{2-3} % \midrule
& 0         & 1.67 &  \\
& 1         & 1.49*    &   \\
& 2         & 1.42**    &  \\
& 3         & 1.30***  &   \\
& 4         & 1.15***   &  \\
& 5         & 1.15***   &  \\
& 6         & 1.09***   &  \\
& 7         & 1.02***   &  \\
& 8         & 0.92***   &  \\
& 9         & 0.85***   &  \\
& 10        & 0.76**    &  \\
\cmidrule[\heavyrulewidth]{2-3} % \bottomrule
  \item The note is meant to be wider than the table itself, without having to make  the table wider and making it look ugly. 





我想跟进 cslstr 的解决方案 2/3。

如果将标题放在三部分表格之外但在表格环境之内,则居中和标题就可以协同工作,而不需要解决方案 3/3 中的“ hack”。





\caption{The is ment to be a very long table caption, which is wider than the table itself.}
Endowment & Mean error \\ 
0         & 1.67 \\
1         & 1.49*      \\
2         & 1.42**     \\
3         & 1.30***    \\
4         & 1.15***    \\
5         & 1.15***    \\
6         & 1.09***    \\
7         & 1.02***    \\
8         & 0.92***    \\
9         & 0.85***    \\
10        & 0.76**     \\
  \item The note is meant to be wider than the table itself, without having to make  the table wider and making it look ugly. 






  • 默认情况下,它无法正确管理更宽的 Notes(重新定义\TPTminimum不是为了做到这一点)
  • 当你对它进行破解时,它会破坏定心。
  • 它不直接构建枚举注释(需要为每个注释手动添加引用字符)



\caption{The is meant to be a very long table caption, which is wider than the table itself.}
Endowment & Mean error \\ 
0         & 1.67       \\
1         & 1.49*      \\
2         & 1.42**     \\
3         & 1.30***    \\
4         & 1.15***    \\
5         & 1.15***    \\
6         & 1.09***    \\
7         & 1.02***    \\
8         & 0.92***    \\
9         & 0.85***    \\
10        & 0.76**     \\
\vspace{1eX} % If wanted space after the bottomrule
The note is meant to be wider than the table itself, without having to make the table wider and making it look ugly.}





  • 表格未发生改变。
  • 宽度\parbox可以调整为任何想要的值(使用\textwidth\linewidth可获得更好的效果)
  • 之后的垂直间距\bottomrule设置为一个“X”大小\vspace(因此它与字体大小相关)。表格后和注释前的间距的另一种解决方案可能是使用\setlength{\belowbottomsep}{1eX}来更改\bottomrule间距(警告:在所有图形上有效!)
  • Itemize 环境在 parbox 内运行良好,因此多个注释不是问题(但由于 itemize 以额外的间距开始,因此间距可能会被删除)。
  • 只需手动添加参考字符(*在示例中,但如果需要,也可以使用大写字母/数字)


这个答案,Ulrike Fisher 说threeparttable挂钩tabular来获取标题和注释的宽度。



对于标题,请将其放在threeparttable放在M. Duck 的回答


The is ment to be a very long table caption, which is wider than the table itself.}
Endowment & Mean error\tnote{a}\\ 
0         & 1.67       \\
1         & 1.49*      \\
2         & 1.42**     \\
3         & 1.30***    \\
4         & 1.15***    \\
5         & 1.15***    \\
6         & 1.09***    \\
7         & 1.02***    \\
8         & 0.92***    \\
9         & 0.85***    \\
10        & 0.76**     \\
  \small\item[a] The note is ment to be wider than the table itself, without having to make  the table wider and making it look ugly. 

