

我正在使用 Kile,并尝试学习如何使用tabularx适合页面宽度的表格。


  • 我必须使用 X 作为列大小,因此无法设置列的大小(例如,如果我有 4 列,我希望 A 列占 10%,而 B、C 和 D 列的其余部分则均匀分布)。
  • 现在我的表格终于适合页面的宽度了,但它却不尊重页面的高度……

现在,为了解决这个问题,我阅读了文档并使用了以下 MWE:


\textbf{} & \textbf{Hibernate OGM} & \textbf{EclipseLink NoSQL} & \textbf{DataNucleus}\\\hline
\mc{1}{|l|}{\textbf{Goal}} & Complement JPA with NoSQL, key-value stores & Integrates in the father project main goal of providing a complete persistence solution & Being a standards compliant and efficient JPA and JDO platform\\\hline
\mc{1}{|l|}{\textbf{NoSQL and Datastores supported}} & Infinispan, EHCache, MongoDB & MongoDB, Oracle NoSQL, Oracle AQ, JMS, XML files & Google Big Table, MongoDB, Cassandra, Excel, OOXML, ODF, XML, HBase, AppEngine/DataStore, Neo4j, JSON, Amazon S3, GoogleStorage, LDAP, NeoDatis, db4o\\\hline
\mc{1}{|l|}{\textbf{Operations supported}} & Object Oriented queries (JP-QL), CRUD of entities, Polymorphic entities, Embeddable objects, Basic types (partial), Unidirectional and Bidirectional relationships (partial), Collections, Hibernate Search queries, JPA and Hibernate ORM API & Object Oriented Queries, Polymorphic entities, Basic types, Unidirectional relationships, Collections, JPA (partial), Complex hierarchical, Indexed hierarchical data, Mapped hierarchical data, CRUD operations, Embedded objects and collections, Inheritance, Subset of JP-QL and Criteria API, Denormalization & CRUD operations, Embedded objects and collections, Inheritance, Relationships (Unidirectional and Bidirectional), Queries for JP-QL, JDOQL and SQL (partial),  Basic types, Joins.\\\hline
\mc{1}{|l|}{\textbf{No support for}} & Denormalization, Complex joins and aggregations & Joins & Aggregations? (not specified in documentation)\\\hline
\mc{1}{|l|}{\textbf{Future}} & High performance sequence generator, parallel key fetching, support for Map/Reduce, more NoSQL classes, better mixing of NoSQL and RDBMS & ? & JPA2.1 full feature list, Official support for Cassandra, Considering a plugin for REDIS\\\hline
\mc{1}{|l|}{\textbf{Commercial support}} & Red Hat & Oracle (via TopLink) & Supported by DataNucleus team\\\hline
\mc{1}{|l|}{\textbf{Documentation}} & Scattered, inactive forums, official documentation lacking & Bureaucratic forums, information is complete and gathered mainly in the official website & Active forums, acceptable official documentation, but the big advantage comes from user support in form of blogs and posts scattered around the Internet\\\hline


但是,尽管前言看起来是正确的(对于有 4 列的情况,其中 B、C 和 D 列应该比 A 列大 6 倍),但什么也没有发生。

我到底想要什么? 假设表格的总宽度为 100%。我希望 A 列占该宽度的 10%,B、C 和 D 列各占 30%。

我还想让这个表适合一页,而不扩展到额外的页面。所以不行,我不能使用 longtable...

MWE 当前生成如下内容:






  • 用于p{<width>}常规的所有列tabular
  • 为此,创建一个新的长度\tabularlength并将其设置为表格的总宽度。我.975\linewidth在这里使用了。
  • 然后根据\tabularlength例如定义每一列p{.1\tabularlength}
  • 为了使第一列正常运行,请放弃multicolumn以便可以断开线条。
  • 这意味着我们需要连字符,因此加载babel
  • 这还不够,因为这不允许对列中的第一个单词进行连字符连接。因此,请使用 手动对这些单词进行连字符连接\-
  • 用于geometry获得正确的页面布局。
  • 用于>{\bfseries}第一列以避免必须在每一行上指定粗体。
  • 我们仍然需要\multicolumn第一行的一个,这样我们就不会得到虚假的垂直规则。
  • 使用\centering而不是环境,center因为后者增加了我们不想要的额外间距。

这实际上还留有(一点)余地。如果表格更大,您可以考虑\smalltable环境中使用 将字体大小设置得小一点。或者您可以使用 调整边距等geometry。可以对整个文档执行此操作,或者如果需要,也可以对单个页面执行此操作。




  \multicolumn{1}{l}{} & \textbf{Hibernate OGM} & \textbf{EclipseLink NoSQL} & \textbf{DataNucleus}\\\hline
  Goal & Complement JPA with NoSQL, key-value stores & Integrates in the father project main goal of providing a complete persistence solution & Being a standards compliant and efficient JPA and JDO platform\\\hline
  NoSQL and Datastores supported & Infinispan, EHCache, MongoDB & MongoDB, Oracle NoSQL, Oracle AQ, JMS, XML files & Google Big Table, MongoDB, Cassandra, Excel, OOXML, ODF, XML, HBase, AppEngine/DataStore, Neo4j, JSON, Amazon S3, GoogleStorage, LDAP, NeoDatis, db4o\\\hline
  Oper\-ations supported & Object Oriented queries (JP-QL), CRUD of entities, Polymorphic entities, Embeddable objects, Basic types (partial), Unidirectional and Bidirectional relationships (partial), Collections, Hibernate Search queries, JPA and Hibernate ORM API & Object Oriented Queries, Polymorphic entities, Basic types, Unidirectional relationships, Collections, JPA (partial), Complex hierarchical, Indexed hierarchical data, Mapped hierarchical data, CRUD operations, Embedded objects and collections, Inheritance, Subset of JP-QL and Criteria API, Denormalization & CRUD operations, Embedded objects and collections, Inheritance, Relationships (Unidirectional and Bidirectional), Queries for JP-QL, JDOQL and SQL (partial),  Basic types, Joins.\\\hline
  No support for & Denormalization, Complex joins and aggregations & Joins & Aggregations? (not specified in documentation)\\\hline
  Future & High performance sequence generator, parallel key fetching, support for Map/Reduce, more NoSQL classes, better mixing of NoSQL and RDBMS & ? & JPA2.1 full feature list, Official support for Cassandra, Considering a plugin for REDIS\\\hline
  Com\-mer\-cial support & Red Hat & Oracle (via TopLink) & Supported by DataNucleus team\\\hline
  Docu\-ment\-ation & Scattered, inactive forums, official documentation lacking & Bureaucratic forums, information is complete and gathered mainly in the official website & Active forums, acceptable official documentation, but the big advantage comes from user support in form of blogs and posts scattered around the Internet\\\hline












    \multicolumn{1}{l}{} & \textbf{Hibernate OGM} & \textbf{EclipseLink NoSQL} & \textbf{DataNucleus}\\\hline
    Goal & Complement JPA with NoSQL, key-value stores & Integrates in the father project main goal of providing a complete persistence solution & Being a standards compliant and efficient JPA and JDO platform\\\hline
    NoSQL and Datastores supported & Infinispan, EHCache, MongoDB & MongoDB, Oracle NoSQL, Oracle AQ, JMS, XML files & Google Big Table, MongoDB, Cassandra, Excel, OOXML, ODF, XML, HBase, AppEngine/DataStore, Neo4j, JSON, Amazon S3, GoogleStorage, LDAP, NeoDatis, db4o\\\hline
    Oper\-ations supported & Object Oriented queries (JP-QL), CRUD of entities, Polymorphic entities, Embeddable objects, Basic types (partial), Unidirectional and Bidirectional relationships (partial), Collections, Hibernate Search queries, JPA and Hibernate ORM API & Object Oriented Queries, Polymorphic entities, Basic types, Unidirectional relationships, Collections, JPA (partial), Complex hierarchical, Indexed hierarchical data, Mapped hierarchical data, CRUD operations, Embedded objects and collections, Inheritance, Subset of JP-QL and Criteria API, Denormalization & CRUD operations, Embedded objects and collections, Inheritance, Relationships (Unidirectional and Bidirectional), Queries for JP-QL, JDOQL and SQL (partial),  Basic types, Joins.\\\hline
    No support for & Denormalization, Complex joins and aggregations & Joins & Aggregations? (not specified in documentation)\\\hline
    Future & High performance sequence generator, parallel key fetching, support for Map/Reduce, more NoSQL classes, better mixing of NoSQL and RDBMS & ? & JPA2.1 full feature list, Official support for Cassandra, Considering a plugin for REDIS\\\hline
    Com\-mer\-cial support & Red Hat & Oracle (via TopLink) & Supported by DataNucleus team\\\hline
    Docu\-ment\-ation & Scattered, inactive forums, official documentation lacking & Bureaucratic forums, information is complete and gathered mainly in the official website & Active forums, acceptable official documentation, but the big advantage comes from user support in form of blogs and posts scattered around the Internet\\\hline




正如 Flame_Phoenix 在评论中指出的那样,m{<width>}给出一个指定宽度的列,该列垂直居中。此说明符需要包array

在“Hibernate OGM”之前添加垂直规则只需调整\multicolumn表格第一个条目即可。可以通过添加表格配置来水平和垂直居中所有单元格。但是,这有点繁琐,而且很难进行一致调整。更好的解决方案是使用定义新列类型>{\centering}的功能。array









  \multicolumn{1}{l|}{} & \textbf{Hibernate OGM} & \textbf{EclipseLink NoSQL} & \textbf{DataNucleus}\tabularnewline\hline
  Goal & Complement JPA with NoSQL, key-value stores & Integrates in the father project main goal of providing a complete persistence solution & Being a standards compliant and efficient JPA and JDO platform\tabularnewline\hline
  NoSQL and Datastores supported & Infinispan, EHCache, MongoDB & MongoDB, Oracle NoSQL, Oracle AQ, JMS, XML files & Google Big Table, MongoDB, Cassandra, Excel, OOXML, ODF, XML, HBase, AppEngine/DataStore, Neo4j, JSON, Amazon S3, GoogleStorage, LDAP, NeoDatis, db4o\tabularnewline\hline
  Oper\-ations supported & Object Oriented queries (JP-QL), CRUD of entities, Polymorphic entities, Embeddable objects, Basic types (partial), Unidirectional and Bidirectional relationships (partial), Collections, Hibernate Search queries, JPA and Hibernate ORM API & Object Oriented Queries, Polymorphic entities, Basic types, Unidirectional relationships, Collections, JPA (partial), Complex hierarchical, Indexed hierarchical data, Mapped hierarchical data, CRUD operations, Embedded objects and collections, Inheritance, Subset of JP-QL and Criteria API, Denormalization & CRUD operations, Embedded objects and collections, Inheritance, Relationships (Unidirectional and Bidirectional), Queries for JP-QL, JDOQL and SQL (partial),  Basic types, Joins.\tabularnewline\hline
  No support for & Denormalization, Complex joins and aggregations & Joins & Aggregations? (not specified in documentation)\tabularnewline\hline
  Future & High performance sequence generator, parallel key fetching, support for Map/Reduce, more NoSQL classes, better mixing of NoSQL and RDBMS & ? & JPA2.1 full feature list, Official support for Cassandra, Considering a plugin for REDIS\tabularnewline\hline
  Com\-mer\-cial support & Red Hat & Oracle (via TopLink) & Supported by DataNucleus team\tabularnewline\hline
  Docu\-ment\-ation & Scattered, inactive forums, official documentation lacking & Bureaucratic forums, information is complete and gathered mainly in the official website & Active forums, acceptable official documentation, but the big advantage comes from user support in form of blogs and posts scattered around the Internet\tabularnewline\hline


    \multicolumn{1}{l|}{} & \textbf{Hibernate OGM} & \textbf{EclipseLink NoSQL} & \textbf{DataNucleus}\tabularnewline\hline
    Goal & Complement JPA with NoSQL, key-value stores & Integrates in the father project main goal of providing a complete persistence solution & Being a standards compliant and efficient JPA and JDO platform\tabularnewline\hline
    NoSQL and Datastores supported & Infinispan, EHCache, MongoDB & MongoDB, Oracle NoSQL, Oracle AQ, JMS, XML files & Google Big Table, MongoDB, Cassandra, Excel, OOXML, ODF, XML, HBase, AppEngine/DataStore, Neo4j, JSON, Amazon S3, GoogleStorage, LDAP, NeoDatis, db4o\tabularnewline\hline
    Operations supported & Object Oriented queries (JP-QL), CRUD of entities, Polymorphic entities, Embeddable objects, Basic types (partial), Unidirectional and Bidirectional relationships (partial), Collections, Hibernate Search queries, JPA and Hibernate ORM API & Object Oriented Queries, Polymorphic entities, Basic types, Unidirectional relationships, Collections, JPA (partial), Complex hierarchical, Indexed hierarchical data, Mapped hierarchical data, CRUD operations, Embedded objects and collections, Inheritance, Subset of JP-QL and Criteria API, Denormalization & CRUD operations, Embedded objects and collections, Inheritance, Relationships (Unidirectional and Bidirectional), Queries for JP-QL, JDOQL and SQL (partial),  Basic types, Joins.\tabularnewline\hline
    No support for & Denormalization, Complex joins and aggregations & Joins & Aggregations? (not specified in documentation)\tabularnewline\hline
    Future & High performance sequence generator, parallel key fetching, support for Map/Reduce, more NoSQL classes, better mixing of NoSQL and RDBMS & ? & JPA2.1 full feature list, Official support for Cassandra, Considering a plugin for REDIS\tabularnewline\hline
    Commercial support & Red Hat & Oracle (via TopLink) & Supported by DataNucleus team\tabularnewline\hline
    Document\-ation & Scattered, inactive forums, official documentation lacking & Bureaucratic forums, information is complete and gathered mainly in the official website & Active forums, acceptable official documentation, but the big advantage comes from user support in form of blogs and posts scattered around the Internet\tabularnewline\hline









 & \textbf{Hibernate OGM} & \textbf{EclipseLink NoSQL} & \textbf{DataNucleus}\\\hline
Goal & Complement JPA with NoSQL, key-value stores & Integrates in the father project main goal of providing a complete persistence solution & Being a standards compliant and efficient JPA and JDO platform\\\hline
NoSQL and Datastores supported & Infinispan, EHCache, MongoDB & MongoDB, Oracle NoSQL, Oracle AQ, JMS, XML files & Google Big Table, MongoDB, Cassandra, Excel, OOXML, ODF, XML, HBase, AppEngine/DataStore, Neo4j, JSON, Amazon S3, GoogleStorage, LDAP, NeoDatis, db4o\\\hline
Operations supported & Object Oriented queries (JP-QL), CRUD of entities, Polymorphic entities, Embeddable objects, Basic types (partial), Unidirectional and Bidirectional relationships (partial), Collections, Hibernate Search queries, JPA and Hibernate ORM API & Object Oriented Queries, Polymorphic entities, Basic types, Unidirectional relationships, Collections, JPA (partial), Complex hierarchical, Indexed hierarchical data, Mapped hierarchical data, CRUD operations, Embedded objects and collections, Inheritance, Subset of JP-QL and Criteria API, Denormalization & CRUD operations, Embedded objects and collections, Inheritance, Relationships (Unidirectional and Bidirectional), Queries for JP-QL, JDOQL and SQL (partial),  Basic types, Joins.\\\hline
No support for & Denormalization, Complex joins and aggregations & Joins & Aggregations? (not specified in documentation)\\\hline
Future & High performance sequence generator, parallel key fetching, support for Map/Reduce, more NoSQL classes, better mixing of NoSQL and RDBMS & ? & JPA2.1 full feature list, Official support for Cassandra, Considering a plugin for REDIS\\\hline
Commercial support & Red Hat & Oracle (via TopLink) & Supported by DataNucleus team\\\hline
Documentation & Scattered, inactive forums, official documentation lacking & Bureaucratic forums, information is complete and gathered mainly in the official website & Active forums, acceptable official documentation, but the big advantage comes from user support in form of blogs and posts scattered around the Internet\\\hline


