







        row 1, column 1, line 1 & \parbox{5cm}{row 1, column 2, line 1 \\ row 1, column 2, line 2 \\ row 1, column 2, line 3} \\ \hline
        \parbox{5cm}{row 2, column 1, line 1 \\ row 2, column 1, line 2} & row 2, column 2, line 1 \\ 




有几种可能的解决方案。下面演示了 2 种方法。第一种方法仅依赖于标准命令。虽然我booktabs出于美观原因使用了它,但这对于解决方案来说并不是必不可少的。第二种方法使用tabularx

在表格中获取 <code>\newline</code> 的 2 种方法


One method involves using the standard \verb|p{<width>}| column specifier. This requires knowing how wide you want the columns but it allows you to use \verb|\newline| and does not require additional packages. Table \ref{tab:standard} does use commands from \verb|booktabs| to improve the tabular's appearance but you could replace with \verb|\hline| etc.\ if preferred.
    row 1, column 1, line 1 & row 1, column 2, line 1\newline row 1, column 2, line 2\newline row 1, column 2, line 3\\\midrule
    row 2, column 1, line 1\newline row 2, column 1, line 2 & row 2, column 2, line 1 \\
\caption{Tabular with standard commands}\label{tab:standard}

If you don't know how wide the columns should be and don't wish to figure it out, but you can specify the overall width of the tabular, \verb|tabularx| can be used. This supports the \verb|X| column specifier which figures out the width based on the overall tabular width. It also allows \verb|\newline|. Table \ref{tab:tabularx} again uses \verb|booktabs| but that is for merely aesthetic reasons.
    row 1, column 1, line 1 & row 1, column 2, line 1\newline row 1, column 2, line 2\newline row 1, column 2, line 3\\\midrule
    row 2, column 1, line 1\newline row 2, column 1, line 2 & row 2, column 2, line 1 \\
\caption{Tabular with tabularx}\label{tab:tabularx}



前面的链接中没有提到,该makecell包定义了\makecellthead和命令diaghead\multirowcell这些命令接受使用\\并可以进一步定制(选择字体、旋转、垂直空间等)。可以更改 hlines 和 clines 的粗细。

