我想知道是否可以改进文档的子部分样式。如您所见,我希望“方法”一章最多包含四个子部分。例如,文档显示“II. 资产选择”,而理想的情况是“I.II. 资产选择”(因为它属于特定章节)。这可能吗?
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\section*{\huge\scshape\centering{The Mash-Up Experiment}}
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\href{mailto:[email protected]}{[email protected]}
“The Mash-Up Experiment” is a six-minute musical piece.
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&\textbf{Keywords}: authorship\\
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\section{Methods} % make section
In the matter of the sonic sources included in this song, more than thirty different tracks were utilised. The scope of genres and authors was motley, ranging from classical orchestration to bolero, from old singers to contemporary pop acts. Nonetheless, a great percentage of these tunes were taken from the works of James Bernard, who composed several scores for Hammer Films in the last millennium. He is the man behind the music from classic horror flicks such as “The Quartermass Experiment (1955),“ ”The Devil Rides Out (1968),” and “Scars of Dracula (1970).”
\subsection{Selection of assets}
In the matter of the sonic sources included in this song, more than thirty different tracks were utilised. The scope of genres and authors was motley, ranging from classical orchestration to bolero, from old singers to contemporary pop acts. Nonetheless, a great percentage of these tunes were taken from the works of James Bernard, who composed several scores for Hammer Films in the last millennium. He is the man behind the music from classic horror flicks such as “The Quartermass Experiment (1955),“ ”The Devil Rides Out (1968),” and “Scars of Dracula (1970).”
\subsection{Composition and arrangement}
In the matter of the sonic sources included in this song, more than thirty different tracks were utilised. The scope of genres and authors was motley, ranging from classical orchestration to bolero, from old singers to contemporary pop acts. Nonetheless, a great percentage of these tunes were taken from the works of James Bernard, who composed several scores for Hammer Films in the last millennium. He is the man behind the music from classic horror flicks such as “The Quartermass Experiment (1955),“ ”The Devil Rides Out (1968),” and “Scars of Dracula (1970).”