LaTex 错误:缺少 \endcsname 插入

LaTex 错误:缺少 \endcsname 插入

我已经写论文一周了。我们大学有一个 Latex 模板。我的 Latex 工作正常,突然出现此错误missing \endcsname inserted。我甚至试图在发生此错误时禁用我正在处理的章节,但这并没有解决问题。错误从该部分开始\begin{document}。我该怎么办?


% To use biblatex:

% Preamble {{{}{

\usepackage{nomencl}   % For nomenclature
\usepackage[style=long,number=none]{glossary} % For list of abbreviations

% !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
% !!                                                               !!
% !!  WARNING: do not remove the following lines between           !!
% !!  "%%% COVER: Settings %%%" and "%%% COVER: End settings %%%"  !!
% !!                                                               !!
% !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

%%% COVER: Settings %%%
\title{Sustainable materialisation of residues from thermal processes into construction materials}
%\subtitle{Construction materials from stainless steel slags}


\supervisor{Prof.~dr.~ir.~Koen~van Balen}{}

\phddegree{Engineering} % "Doctor of ..."
\faculty{Faculty of Engineering}
\department{Department of Civil Engineering}
%\researchgroup{Scientific Computing Group}
\address{Kasteelpark Arenberg 40 box 2448}
% \addresscity{B-3001 Heverlee} % This is the default value. Note
                                % that 'B-3001 Leuven' is _incorrect_!!
                                % []
\email{[email protected]} % Leave empty to hide
\website{} % Leave empty to hide

\date{XXXX 2014}
%\udc{XXX.XX}            % UDC is no longer necessary.
\depot{XXXX/XXXX/XX}     % Leave out the initial D/ (it is added
                         % automatically)

% Set spine width:

%% Set bleeds

% Set custom cover page
% \setcustomcoverpage{mycoverpage.tex} % mycoverpage.tex is the default

%%% COVER: End settings %%%

% for the nomenclature
\renewcommand{\nomname}{List of Symbols}

% for the list of abbreviations. 

% To avoid problems, do NOT change the layout of the following two
% commands

% Specify the .bib file
% Bibtex style

% Own commands
\InputIfFileExists{defs} % defs.tex, contains own preamble settings

% }{}}}  <-- Preamble






\frontmatter % to get \pagenumbering{roman}


% To create a list of abbreviations, there are 2 options
% 1. manual creation and inclusion of this file
%    \includeabbreviations{abbreviations}
% 2. automatic generation via the glossary package
%    \usepackage{glossary}
%    \makeglossary
%    \glossary{name=MD,description=molecular dynamics}
%    \printglossary

% To create a list of symbols, there are 2 options
% 1. include a manually created nomenclature as a chapter
%    \includenomenclature{nomenclaturechapter}
% 2. automatic generation via the nomencl package
%    \usepackage{nomencl}
%    \makenomenclature
%    \nomenclature[cB]{$c_B(\vec{x})$}{Characteristic function of $B$}
%    \printnomenclature[3cm]


% Show an overview of todos with page numbers...


\mainmatter % to get \pagenumbering{arabic}

% Show instructions on a separate page

% Insert here your own chapters
% Chapters are expected to be in a tex-file with the given name dot
% tex and in a directory with the given name in the chapters
% directory.











% vim: tw=70 nocindent expandtab foldmethod=marker foldmarker={{{}{,}{}}}
