1 19.178 26.027 8.219 6.849 39.726 1
2 54.795 21.918 4.110 6.849 12.329 1
3 28.767 16.438 6.849 8.219 39.726 1
4 63.014 2.740 2.740 8.219 28.767 2
5 90.411 1.370 6.849 0.000 1.370 2
6 15.068 2.740 16.438 8.219 57.534 2
7 67.123 0.000 0.000 1.000 32.877 3
8 72.603 6.849 5.479 5.000 15.068 3
9 56.164 12.329 6.849 4.110 20.548 3
10 50.685 4.110 8.219 1.370 35.616 3
\addplot table[x index=0,y index=4] \datatable;
1)如果你可以修改你的表格一个简单的解决方法是添加某种未定义的数据并使用选项unbounded coords=jump
1 19.178 26.027 8.219 6.849 39.726 1
2 54.795 21.918 4.110 6.849 12.329 1
3 28.767 16.438 6.849 8.219 39.726 1
nan nan nan nan nan nan nan
4 63.014 2.740 2.740 8.219 28.767 2
5 90.411 1.370 6.849 0.000 1.370 2
6 15.068 2.740 16.438 8.219 57.534 2
7 67.123 0.000 0.000 1.000 32.877 3
8 72.603 6.849 5.479 5.000 15.068 3
9 56.164 12.329 6.849 4.110 20.548 3
10 50.685 4.110 8.219 1.370 35.616 3
\begin{axis}[unbounded coords=jump]
\addplot table[x index=0,y index=4] \datatable;
。这并非没有问题,因为您必须在这些中重复格式,(例如[red, solid, thick,...])
\addplot+[forget plot] table[x index=0,y index=4, restrict x to domain=0:3] \datatable;
\addplot+[forget plot] table[x index=0,y index=4, restrict x to domain=4:6] \datatable;
\addplot+[ ] table[x index=0,y index=4, restrict x to domain=7:10] \datatable;