我发现 XeLaTeX 下的 microtype 和 Hoefler Text 存在奇怪的间距问题。下面提供了一个最小示例。使用 xelatex 排版时,“he”一词和强调的“ought”一词重叠,如下所示:
如果我使用不同的字体(例如 Palatino),或者删除 microtype 包,甚至删除第一句话,问题就会消失。任何有关导致此问题的原因的见解都将不胜感激。
\setmainfont{Hoefler Text}
For some cause, which I could not at the moment divine,
Arthur was unusually grave and silent during our walk home.
It could not be connected with Eric Lindon, I thought, as he
had for some days been away in London: so that, having Lady
Muriel almost ‘all to himself’—for \emph{I} was only too
glad to hear those two conversing, to have any wish to
intrude any remarks of my own—he \emph{ought},
theoretically, to have been specially radiant and contented
with life.
参考更新:我正在使用 TeX Live 2013、microtype(2.5a)和 XeLaTeX(0.9999.3)的当前版本,如下面的问题所述。