\begin{tikzpicture}[start chain=going right,>=latex,node distance=0pt]
\node[draw,rectangle,on chain,minimum size=1.5cm] (rr) {$I$};
\node[draw,rectangle,on chain,draw=white,minimum size=1.3cm]{};
% the rectangular shape with vertical lines
\node[rectangle split, rectangle split parts=6,
draw, rectangle split horizontal,text height=1cm,text depth=0.5cm,on chain,inner ysep=0pt] (wa) {};
\fill[white] ([xshift=-\pgflinewidth,yshift=-\pgflinewidth]wa.north west) rectangle ([xshift=-15pt,yshift=\pgflinewidth]wa.south);
% the circle
\node[draw,circle,on chain,minimum size=1.5cm] (se) {$U$};
% the arrows and labels
\draw[->] (se.east) -- +(20pt,0) node[right] {$\mu$};
\draw[<-] (wa.west) -- +(-20pt,0) node[left] {$\lambda$};
\node[align=center,below] at (rr.south) {Input \\ process};
\node[align=center,below] at (wa.south) {Queue \\ subsystem};
\node[align=center,below] at (se.south) {Server \\ process};
\caption{The model represented as a queuing system.}
\begin{tikzpicture}[start chain=going right,>=latex,node distance=0pt]
\node[draw,rectangle,on chain,minimum size=1.5cm] (rr) {$I$};
\node[draw,rectangle,on chain,draw=white,minimum size=1.3cm]{};
% the rectangular shape with vertical lines
\node[rectangle split, rectangle split parts=6,
draw, rectangle split horizontal,text height=1cm,text depth=0.5cm,on chain,inner ysep=0pt] (wa) {};
\fill[white] ([xshift=-\pgflinewidth,yshift=-\pgflinewidth]wa.north west) rectangle ([xshift=-15pt,yshift=\pgflinewidth]wa.south);
\node at (wa.east) (A){};
\draw [-latex] (A) --+(30:1.5) coordinate (B1);
\draw [-latex] (A) --+(-30:1.5) coordinate (B2);
% the circle
\node [draw,circle,on chain,minimum size=1cm] at (B1) (se1) {$U_1$};
\node [draw,circle,on chain,minimum size=1cm] at (B2) (se2) {$U_2$};
\draw [-latex] (se1.east) --+(-25:1.65) coordinate (C1);
\draw [-latex] (se2.east) --+(25:1.65) coordinate (C2);
\node (O) at ($(C1)!0.5!(C2)$) {};
\node [draw,circle,on chain,minimum size=3pt] at (O) (C3){};
\draw [-latex] (C3)--+(0:2)node[right] {$\mu$};
% the arrows and labels
% \draw[->] (se.east) -- +(20pt,0) node[right] {$\mu$};
\draw[<-] (wa.west) -- +(-20pt,0) node[left] {$\lambda$};
\node[align=center,below] at (rr.south) {Input \\ process};
\node[align=center,below] at (wa.south) {Queue \\ subsystem};
\node[align=center,below] at (se2.south) {Server \\ process};
\caption{The model represented as a queuing system.}