

label=right:如何在以下 MWE 中的末端节点标签中引入换行符? 如果我删除该部分并只保留label=' but that centers the label节点上方而不是右侧,则Tikzpicture 将包含换行符。




% Set the overall layout of the tree
\tikzstyle{level 1}=[level distance=3.5cm, sibling distance=3.5cm]
\tikzstyle{level 2}=[level distance=3.5cm, sibling distance=2cm]

% Define styles for bags and leafs
\tikzstyle{bag} = [text width=4em, text centered]
\tikzstyle{end} = [circle, minimum width=3pt,fill, inner sep=0pt]

% The sloped option gives rotated edge labels. Personally
% I find sloped labels a bit difficult to read. Remove the sloped options
% to get horizontal labels. 
\begin{tikzpicture}[grow=right, sloped]
\node(A)[bag] {$S(3)$ $(Bet~3)$}
        child {
                node[bag] {$S(4)$ $Bet~4$}        
                        child {node[end, label=right: {Some text \\ Some text \\ Some text }] {}
                                edge from parent node[below] {$Quit$} node[above]  {}
                        child {
                                node[end, label=right: {Some text \\ Some text \\ Some text }] {}
                                edge from parent node[above] {$Bid$} node[below]  {}
                        edge from parent node[below] {$LLL$} node[above]  {}
        child {
                node[bag] {$S(4)$ $Bet~4$}       
                child {
                                node[end, label=right: {Some text \\ Some text \\ Some text }] {}
                                edge from parent node[below] {$Quit$} node[above]  {}
                        child {
                                node[end, label=right:{Some text \\ Some text \\ Some text }] {}
                                edge from parent node[above] {$Bid$} node[below]  {}
                edge from parent node[above] {$WWW$} node[below]  {}





应用every label/.style={align=left}选项:



  • 也可以使用,但在这种情况下,根据TorbjørnT 的评论,every node/.style={}使用似乎更合适。every label/.style={}

  • 看来,当使用align=选项时,可以不是label=right:


      label=right:{Some text \\ Some text \\ Some text}


      label=right: {Some text \\ Some text \\ Some text}



代码:every label/.style={align=left}


% Set the overall layout of the tree
\tikzstyle{level 1}=[level distance=3.5cm, sibling distance=3.5cm]
\tikzstyle{level 2}=[level distance=3.5cm, sibling distance=2cm]

% Define styles for bags and leafs
\tikzstyle{bag} = [text width=4em, text centered]
\tikzstyle{end} = [circle, minimum width=3pt,fill, inner sep=0pt]

% The sloped option gives rotated edge labels. Personally
% I find sloped labels a bit difficult to read. Remove the sloped options
% to get horizontal labels. 
\begin{tikzpicture}[grow=right, sloped, every label/.style={align=left}]
\node(A)[bag] {$S(3)$ $(Bet~3)$}
        child {
                node[bag] {$S(4)$ $Bet~4$}        
                        child {node[end, align=center, label=right:{Some text \\ Some text \\ Some text}] {}
                                edge from parent node[below] {$Quit$} node[above]  {}
                        child {
                                node[end, label=right:{Some text \\ Some text \\ Some text}] {}
                                edge from parent node[above] {$Bid$} node[below]  {}
                        edge from parent node[below] {$LLL$} node[above]  {}
        child {
                node[bag] {$S(4)$ $Bet~4$}       
                child {
                                node[end, label=right:{Some text \\ Some text \\ Some text}] {}
                                edge from parent node[below] {$Quit$} node[above]  {}
                        child {
                                node[end, label=right:{Some text \\ Some text \\ Some text}] {}
                                edge from parent node[above] {$Bid$} node[below]  {}
                edge from parent node[above] {$WWW$} node[below]  {}



% Set the overall layout of the tree
\tikzstyle{level 1}=[level distance=3.5cm, sibling distance=3.5cm]
\tikzstyle{level 2}=[level distance=3.5cm, sibling distance=2cm]

% Define styles for bags and leafs
\tikzstyle{bag} = [text width=4em, text centered]
\tikzstyle{end} = [circle, minimum width=3pt,fill, inner sep=0pt]

% The sloped option gives rotated edge labels. Personally
% I find sloped labels a bit difficult to read. Remove the sloped options
% to get horizontal labels. 
\begin{tikzpicture}[grow=right, sloped]
\node(A)[bag] {$S(3)$ $(Bet~3)$}
        child {
                node[bag] {$S(4)$ $Bet~4$}        
                        child {node[end, label=right: {\parbox[c]{3.0cm}{Some text \\ Some text \\ Some text}}] {}
                                edge from parent node[below] {$Quit$} node[above]  {}
                        child {
                                node[end, label=right: {\parbox[c]{3.0cm}{Some text \\ Some text \\ Some text}}] {}
                                edge from parent node[above] {$Bid$} node[below]  {}
                        edge from parent node[below] {$LLL$} node[above]  {}
        child {
                node[bag] {$S(4)$ $Bet~4$}       
                child {
                                node[end, label=right: {\parbox[c]{3.0cm}{Some text \\ Some text \\ Some text}}] {}
                                edge from parent node[below] {$Quit$} node[above]  {}
                        child {
                                node[end, label=right:{\parbox[c]{3.0cm}{Some text \\ Some text \\ Some text}}] {}
                                edge from parent node[above] {$Bid$} node[below]  {}
                edge from parent node[above] {$WWW$} node[below]  {}
