TeX 容量超出 13 列 18 行的电子表格

TeX 容量超出 13 列 18 行的电子表格

最初我有一个有 13 列和 18 行的电子表格。将 pdflatex 或 xelatex 应用于此工作表后,我得到了:...

     cell K15
! TeX capacity exceeded, sorry [save size=80000].

然后我缩小了电子表格的大小。如果电子表格有 10 列 16 行或 12 列 15 行,我可以用 xelatex 创建 pdf 文件。如果电子表格有 10 列 17 行、11 列 16 行或 12 列 16 行,则会失败,并显示“超出 TeX 容量”。我正在使用:

rose@lynx:/home/rose/Txt/projects/ClosePackingOfSpheres/Report/MyTest(117)$ xelatex -v
XeTeX 3.1415926-2.5-0.9999.3-2014010319 (TeX Live 2013)
kpathsea version 6.1.1
Copyright 2013 SIL International and Jonathan Kew.
There is NO warranty.  Redistribution of this software is
covered by the terms of both the XeTeX copyright and
the Lesser GNU General Public License.
For more information about these matters, see the file
named COPYING and the XeTeX source.
Primary author of XeTeX: Jonathan Kew.
Compiled with ICU version 52.1; using 52.1
Compiled with zlib version 1.2.8; using 1.2.8
Compiled with FreeType2 version 2.5.0; using 2.5.3
Compiled with Graphite2 version 1.2.1; using 1.2.4
Compiled with HarfBuzz version 0.9.23; using 0.9.26
Compiled with fontconfig version 2.11.0; using 2.11.1
Compiled with libpng version 1.6.8; using 1.6.10
Compiled with poppler version 0.24.5

在 Gentoo 系统上。任何提示都值得赞赏。

spreadsheet_test_10C_17R.tex(长行,接近 500 个字符):

\usepackage[latin1]{inputenc}       % allow Latin1 characters
\usepackage[]{fp}         % for arithmetic fixed point operation
\usepackage{caption}  %%  for captions out of figures and tables
\FPset\Le{10}  %% \mu m
\FPupn\Vre{2 2 root 2 div 3 \Le{} pow mul}%
\FPupn\Are{3 2 3 root mul 2 \Le{} pow mul } %
\FPupn\RzeroF{2 3 root 2 mul 3 sub 3 div}%
\FPupn\FourPI{4 \FPpi{} mul}%
  @$r [nm]$& @$r_0$                & @$n_R$                                    & @$n_T$                                              &  @ $S_T^{VC}(r,n_R)$               &    @$f_a(r,r_p)$                           & @ $S_T^{VC}(r,n_R)$                                                    & @ $S_T^{VC}(r,n_T)$                                                   &   @ $ S_T^{VC}(r,n_R) $                                           &  @ $ S_T^{VC}(r,n_T) $                                            \\
           &                       &                                           &                                                     &  @ $r_p=0.0$                       &                                                                      \multicolumn{3}{|c|}{@ $r_p=0.3$  }                                                                                    &                                                    \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{@ $ r_p=3 $}                                                  \\
    1      &\STcopy{v} {\RzeroF*a3}&\STcopy{v} {1000*(\Vre/2)^(1/3)/(a3*2^0.5)}&\STcopy{v} {1000*(\Vre/2)^(1/3)/(a3*2^0.5)+1-6^0.5/2}&\STcopy{v}{\FourPI*(a3/1000)^2*c3^3}&                                            &   \STcopy{v} {\Are}                                                    & \STcopy{v}{\Are}                                                      &  \STcopy{v}{\Are}                                                 &   \STcopy{v}{\Are}                                                \\
    2      &                       &                                           &                                                     &                                    &\STcopy{v}{1-3*(2-3/c4+1/c4^2)*0.3/(0.3+a4)}&\STcopy{v} {\FourPI*(a4/1000)^2*c4^3*(1-3*(2-3/c4+1/c4^2)*0.3/(0.3+a4))}&\STcopy{v}{\FourPI*(a4/1000)^2*d4^3*(1-3*(2-3/d4+1/d4^2)*0.3/(0.3+a4))}&                                                                   &                                                                   \\
    4      &                       &                                           &                                                     &                                    &                                            &                                                                        &                                                                       &                                                                   &                                                                   \\
    8      &                       &                                           &                                                     &                                    &                                            &                                                                        &                                                                       &                                                                   &                                                                   \\
   11.37   &                       &                                           &                                                     &                                    &                                            &                                                                        &                                                                       &                                                                   &                                                                   \\
   16      &                       &                                           &                                                     &                                    &                                            &                                                                        &                                                                       &                                                                   &                                                                   \\
   20      &                       &                                           &                                                     &                                    &                                            &                                                                        &                                                                       &\STcopy{v}{\FourPI*(a9/1000)^2*c9^3*(1-3*(2-3/c9+1/c9^2)*3/(3+a9))}&\STcopy{v}{\FourPI*(a9/1000)^2*d9^3*(1-3*(2-3/d9+1/d9^2)*3/(3+a9))}\\
   24      &                       &                                           &                                                     &                                    &                                            &                                                                        &                                                                       &                                                                   &                                                                   \\
   27      &                       &                                           &                                                     &                                    &                                            &                                                                        &                                                                       &                                                                   &                                                                   \\
   99      &                       &                                           &                                                     &                                    &                                            &                                                                        &                                                                       &                                                                   &                                                                   \\
  125      &                       &                                           &                                                     &                                    &                                            &                                                                        &                                                                       &                                                                   &                                                                   \\
  216      &                       &                                           &                                                     &                                    &                                            &                                                                        &                                                                       &                                                                   &                                                                   \\
  334      &                       &                                           &                                                     &                                    &                                            &                                                                        &                                                                       &                                                                   &                                                                   \\
  512      &                       &                                           &                                                     &                                    &                                            &                                                                        &                                                                       &                                                                   &                                                                   \\
 1024      &                       &                                           &                                                     &                                    &                                            &                                                                        &                                                                       &                                                                   &                                                                   \\
\captionof{table}{Numerical Values [$\mu m^2$] with different probe radii [nm]}
