



  author = {Charles, Daniel},
  year = {1965},
  title = {Entr’acte: “Formal” or “Informal” Music?},
  journaltitle = {The Musical Quarterly},
  volume = {51},
  number = {1},
  pages = {144--165},


请问哪种 biblatex 样式允许我以这种方式显示引用[AuthorName, Last_two_integers_of_year_number]




pdflatex <filename>.tex
biber <filename>
pdflatex <filename>.tex


pdflatex <filename>.tex

它将与latex而不是一起工作pdflatex- 这才biber是必需的。

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    \field[strside=left]{labelname}% if not, use the labelname e.g. author
    \literal{,}% add comma
  \field[strwidth=2,strside=right]{year}% take the rightmost 2 numbers from the year

  author = {Charles, Daniel},
  year = {1965},
  title = {Entr’acte: “Formal” or “Informal” Music?},
  journaltitle = {The Musical Quarterly},
  volume = {51},
  number = {1},
  pages = {144--165},



请注意,在发布之前,您应该检查 MWE 编译。您的编译中出现了错误,因此我必须对其进行修改,才能开始思考您的问题。最小化是好的,而且绝对是必要的 - 只需确保它不会太过最小化而无法正常工作!



\usepackage{babel}% needed for french
\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}% needed for sample bib entry
\usepackage{csquotes}% recommended in output (biblatex)
\usepackage[backend=biber, style=alphabetic]{biblatex}
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    \literal{,}% add comma
  \field[strwidth=2,strside=right]{year}% take the rightmost 2 numbers from the year

  author = {Charles, Daniel},
  year = {1965},
  title = {Entr’acte: “Formal” or “Informal” Music?},
  journaltitle = {The Musical Quarterly},
  volume = {51},
  number = {1},
  pages = {144--165},
  author = {Charles, Daniel and Christmas, Father and Fairy, Tooth and Pan, Peter and Beanstalk, Jack},
  year = {1966},
  title = {Entr’acte: “Formal” or “Informal” Music?},
  journaltitle = {The Musical Quarterly},
  volume = {51},
  number = {1},
  pages = {144--165},



如果某位作者的名字很长,您有几个选择。一种是将所有名字截断为一定数量的字母。(标准标签使用此方法,使用 2 个字母,但您可以指定不同的数字。)以下使用第一个作者名字的前 8 个字符:

\usepackage{babel}% needed for french
\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}% needed for sample bib entry
\usepackage{csquotes}% recommended in output (biblatex)
\usepackage[backend=biber, style=alphabetic]{biblatex}
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    \literal{,}% add comma
  \field[strwidth=2,strside=right]{year}% take the rightmost 2 numbers from the year

  author = {Charles, Daniel},
  year = {1965},
  title = {Entr’acte: “Formal” or “Informal” Music?},
  journaltitle = {The Musical Quarterly},
  volume = {51},
  number = {1},
  pages = {144--165},
  author = {Charles, Daniel and Christmas, Father and Fairy, Tooth and Pan, Peter and Beanstalk, Jack},
  year = {1966},
  title = {Entr’acte: “Formal” or “Informal” Music?},
  journaltitle = {The Musical Quarterly},
  volume = {51},
  number = {1},
  pages = {144--165},
  author = {CharlesChristmasFairtyPanBeanstalk, Daniel and Christmas, Father and Fairy, Tooth and Pan, Peter and Beanstalk, Jack},
  year = {1967},
  title = {Entr’acte: “Formal” or “Informal” Music?},
  journaltitle = {The Musical Quarterly},
  volume = {51},
  number = {1},
  pages = {144--165},




\usepackage{babel}% needed for french
\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}% needed for sample bib entry
\usepackage{csquotes}% recommended in output (biblatex)
\usepackage[backend=biber, style=alphabetic]{biblatex}
\DeclareLabelalphaTemplate{% adjust the template for the label based on the default one - requires biber
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    \field{label}% if label specified, use it
    \field[names=1,strside=left]{labelname}% if not, use the labelname e.g. author - use the first 8 characters of the first author's name
    \literal{,}% add comma
  \field[strwidth=2,strside=right]{year}% take the rightmost 2 numbers from the year

  author = {Charles, Daniel},
  year = {1965},
  title = {Entr’acte: “Formal” or “Informal” Music?},
  journaltitle = {The Musical Quarterly},
  volume = {51},
  number = {1},
  pages = {144--165},
  author = {Charles, Daniel and Christmas, Father and Fairy, Tooth and Pan, Peter and Beanstalk, Jack},
  year = {1966},
  title = {Entr’acte: “Formal” or “Informal” Music?},
  journaltitle = {The Musical Quarterly},
  volume = {51},
  number = {1},
  pages = {144--165},
  label = {CharlesCh},
  author = {CharlesChristmasFairtyPanBeanstalk, Daniel and Christmas, Father and Fairy, Tooth and Pan, Peter and Beanstalk, Jack},
  year = {1967},
  title = {Entr’acte: “Formal” or “Informal” Music?},
  journaltitle = {The Musical Quarterly},
  volume = {51},
  number = {1},
  pages = {144--165},


