我尝试了提出的证明技术这里:我在 Beamer 文档课上的演讲也有很长的参考书目。我曾使用允许帧中断在一个新的框架中建议这里。令人惊讶的是,框架中断停止工作!如果我注释掉\apptocmd{\frame}{\justifying}{}{}按照建议进行调整,然后框架中断再次起作用。我是 LaTex 新手。请帮忙。
\mode<presentation> {
\usepackage{graphicx} % Allows including images
\usepackage{booktabs} % Allows the use of \toprule, \midrule and \bottomrule in tables
\apptocmd{\frame}{\justifying}{}{} %comment out this line will not let me justified but frame break for bibliography works then!
I am confused. Please help. I am confused. Please help. I am confused. Please help. I am confused. Please help. I am confused. Please help. I am confused. Please help. I am confused. Please help.