

有些学校要求本科生/本科生在学期末提交报告(例如项目报告)。比如说,我想使用bibtexbiblatex条目引用这样的报告。到目前为止,我发现唯一有用的是硕士或学期项目报告 (en:output:student_reports [Algo]),他们似乎使用了unpublished条目类型(示例这里)。

有没有比 更合适的条目类型unpublished,分别适用于bibtexbiblatex?我不会选择article或 ,inproceedings因为这意味着发布,也不会选择 和misc(我已经将它用于普通网页) - 但是,说,techreport合适,或者有更好的?请注意,我还想记录一个 URL(可能还有 URL 日期)和机构。


  author = {John Dough and Jane Doe},
  title = {An example of some basic analysis},
  submissiondate = {2013/01/22},
  year = {2013}, % based on submissiondate
  urldate = {2014/04/10},
  url = {http://example.com/2013/example_semester_report_12.pdf},
  note = {3rd semester project report},
  institution = {Dept. of Something, University of South Nowhereton},



  author = {John Dough and Jane Doe},
  title = {An example of some basic analysis},
  submissiondate = {2013/01/22},
  date = {2013}, % based on submissiondate
  urldate = {2014-04-10},
  url = {http://example.com/2013/example_semester_report_12.pdf},
  type = {3rd semester project report},
  institution = {Dept. of Something, University of South Nowhereton},
  author = {John Dough and Jane Doe},
  title = {An example of some basic analysis},
  submissiondate = {2013/01/22},
  year = {2013}, % based on submissiondate
  urldate = {2014-04-10},
  url = {http://example.com/2013/example_semester_report_12.pdf},
  note = {3rd semester project report},
  institution = {Dept. of Something, University of South Nowhereton},
% note: `type` is "commented" below, to show that "Tech. rep." is inserted
% by default for techreport, even if `type` is not explicitly set.
% to overload, uncomment the type, and set needed value.
  //type = {Tech. rep.},
  author = {John Dough and Jane Doe},
  title = {An example of some basic analysis},
  submissiondate = {2013/01/22},
  year = {2013},
  urldate = {2014-04-10},
  url = {http://example.com/2013/example_semester_report_12.pdf},
  note = {3rd semester project report},
  institution = {Dept. of Something, University of South Nowhereton},


\printbibliography[type=thesis, title={Using Thesis Type}]

\printbibliography[type=misc, title={Using Misc Type}]

% note: for some reason bibtex will parse the above @techreport
% into just {report} in the .bbl; so use "report" here to select!
\printbibliography[type=report, title={Using Techreport Type}]


