在枚举环境中,什么样的间距/对齐变化可能会修复这个 hbox 溢出问题?

在枚举环境中,什么样的间距/对齐变化可能会修复这个 hbox 溢出问题?

我计划清理一个大型 TeX 文件,以便在电子阅读器上查看(因此页面尺寸较小),因为我对 TeX 还不熟悉,所以我在示例文件和以下这些说明。但是,我无法使用常见修复。给定以下 TeX(完整文档在末尾):

\item {\small First Subpoint (Small Font)} 
\item {\tiny Second Subpoint (Tiny Font)} 
\item {\Huge Third Subpoint (Huge Font)} 


我尝试调整 \pretolerance,但没有效果,而 \sloppypar 也很马虎: 斯洛皮帕尔





\usepackage[papersize={3.6in,4.8in}, hmargin=0.1in,vmargin={0.1in,0.1in}]{geometry} 



\usepackage{amssymb,latexsym,amsmath}     % Standard packages

\newenvironment{proof}{\noindent{\bf Proof:}}{$\hfill \Box$}  


\title{Sample \LaTeX ~File}
\author{David P. Little}

This document represents the output from the file ``sample.tex" once compiled using your favorite \LaTeX compiler.  This file should serve as a good example of the basic structure of a ``.tex" file as well as many of the most basic commands needed for typesetting documents involving mathematical symbols and expressions.  For more of a description on how each command works, please consult the links found on our course webpage.

\item {\bf First Point (Bold Face)}
\item {\em Second Point (Italic)}
\item {\Large Third Point (Large Font)}
        \item {\small First Subpoint (Small Font)} 
        \item {\tiny Second Subpoint (Tiny Font)} 
        \item {\Huge Third Subpoint (Huge Font)} 
\item[$\bullet$] {\sf Bullet Point (Sans Serif)}
\item[$\circ$] {\sc Circle Point (Small Caps)} 


\subsection{Binomial Theorem}
\begin{theorem}[Binomial Theorem]
For any nonnegative integer $n$, we have
$$(1+x)^n = \sum_{i=0}^n {\binom{n}{i}} x^i$$

\subsection{Taylor Series}
The Taylor series expansion for the function $e^x$ is given by
e^x = 1 + x + \frac{x^2}{2} + \frac{x^3}{6} + \cdots = \sum_{n\geq 0} \frac{x^n}{n!}


For any sets $A$, $B$ and $C$, we have
$$ (A\cup B)-(C-A) = A \cup (B-C)$$

(A\cup B)-(C-A) &=& (A\cup B) \cap (C-A)^c\\
&=& (A\cup B) \cap (C \cap A^c)^c \\
&=& (A\cup B) \cap (C^c \cup A) \\
&=& A \cup (B\cap C^c) \\
&=& A \cup (B-C)

left justified & center & right justified \\ \hline
1 & 3.14159 & 5 \\
2.4678 & 3 &  1234 \\ \hline \hline
3.4678 & 6.14159 & 1239

\section{A Picture}
\put(20,70){\circle{30}}  \put(20,70){\circle*{10}}   % left eye
\put(80,70){\circle{30}}  \put(80,70){\circle*{10}}   % right eye
\put(40,40){\line(1,2){10}} \put(60,40){\line(-1,2){10}} \put(40,40){\line(1,0){20}} % nose
\put(50,20){\oval(80,10)[b]} % mouth
\multiput(0,90)(4,0){10}{\line(1,3){4}}  % left eyebrow
\multiput(100,90)(-4,0){10}{\line(-1,3){4}}  % right eyebrow



当对齐成为一个问题时(典型的是较小的水平空间),使用一种\raggedright方法(可能包括ragged2e) 有时会更好。microtype也可以帮助...

