authblk 包中的自定义脚注

authblk 包中的自定义脚注

我想创建一个特殊的脚注,以便将多个位置映射到同一个脚注。这在其他地方有介绍(不同的地方引用同一个脚注),但我在尝试将其与 authblk 包一起用于作者列表中时遇到了麻烦(自定义脚注是\CoAuthorMark)。其他方面可能存在问题,但我还没有进行实验。

或者,有没有办法用 \thanks 来做到这一点?



\title{An efficient method for exploiting midichlorians in weak life-forms}

\author[1,2]{Darth Vader\footnote{Contributed equally.}}%


% The order may be wrong on these next two:

\author[2,3]{Darth Sidious\CoAuthorMark%
  \thanks{Electronic address: \texttt{[email protected]}; Corresponding author}}

\affil[1]{Office of the Supreme Commander of the Imperial Forces, The Galactic Empire, The Bridge, Executor}
\affil[2]{Order of the Sith Lords, LiMerge Power Building, The Works, Coruscant}
\affil[3]{Office of the Emperor of the Galaxy, The Galactic Empire, 1000 Imperial Palace, 2 Main St. Coruscant}





! Missing \endcsname inserted.
<to be read again>
l.16 ...AuthorMark{\footnotemark[\value{CoAuthor}]


! Use of \\author doesn't match its definition.


新的计数器似乎没有必要,因为您只使用 的当前值footnote;也\footnotemark应该在 中受到保护,\edef并且\value{CoAuthor}应该是\arabic{CoAuthor},因为\value{CoAuthor}不会扩展到数字,而只会扩展到计数器的内部名称。





\title{An efficient method for exploiting midichlorians in weak life-forms}

\author[1,2]{Darth Vader\footnote{Contributed equally.}}

% The order may be wrong on these next two:
\newcommand\CoAuthorMark{\footnotemark[\arabic{footnote}]} % get the current value
\author[2,3]{Darth Sidious\protect\CoAuthorMark
  \thanks{Electronic address: \texttt{[email protected]}; Corresponding author}}

  Office of the Supreme Commander of the Imperial Forces, 
  The Galactic Empire, The Bridge, Executor}
  Order of the Sith Lords, LiMerge Power Building, The Works, Coruscant}
  Office of the Emperor of the Galaxy, The Galactic Empire, 
  1000 Imperial Palace, 2 Main St. Coruscant}




