命令 \env 已定义

命令 \env 已定义


下面的代码旨在提取发生的标记的值 \begin{document}。出于某种原因,宏存在一个\DisablePreamble我无法弄清楚的问题。令人惊讶的是,它似乎在我的实际使用案例中一直有效,但当我尝试进行 MWE(试图重现另一个问题)时却不起作用。








当对 的调用\ExtractMyTokenA取消注释时,结果如下:

./TeX-SE.tex:75: LaTeX Error: Command \env already defined.
            Or name \end... illegal, see p.192 of the manual.



  • 要使给定的 MWE 失败,您需要取消注释该\ExtractMyTokenA行。
  • 实际问题在于\DisablePreamble,但这个 MWE 看起来比实际情况更复杂,因为:
    1. 我有两个临时文件foo.texgoo.tex测试用例。
    2. \ExtractMyTokenA\ExtractMyTokenA几乎完全相同:一次调用\DisablePreamble,另一个不调用。



%  This file is ONLY needed once we get past the error message.
%\usepackage{filecontents}% Comment out so as to NOT overwrite foo.tex and goo.tex.

    \MyToken={foobar}%   <----- Only this line should be executed. ALL other lines in foo.tex are to be ignored.

       lots of text here

       \SetSomeVarable{\SomeVar}{Some Value}
           lots more stuff here as well

% This file does not have a preamble so won't need a call to "\DisablePreamble"
    \MyToken={goobar}%   <----- Only this line should be executed. ALL other lines in foo.tex are to be ignored.

%% ------------------------------
%% Problem is in here somewhere!!  Shows up once we uncomment "\ExtractMyToken{foo}" below.
        \renewcommand{\documentclass}[2][]{}%  remove def'n of \documentclass
        %% https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/165258/how-to-ignore-everything-in-the-document-environment
        \providecommand{\env@document@save@env}{}% To keep environ happy
        \RenewEnviron{document}{}% Ignore everything within the "document" environment.

\newcommand{\ExtractMyTokenA}[1]{% Same as \ExtractMyTokenB, except invokes "\DisablePreamble" 
    % #1 = File Name with path
        % -----------
        \let\OldInput\input%         Need to redefine \input as the file being read uses
        \renewcommand*{\input}[1]{}% \input before \begin{document}.
        % -----------

\newcommand{\ExtractMyTokenB}[1]{% Same as \ExtractMyTokenA, except "\DisablePreamble" is commented.
    % #1 = File Name with path
        %\DisablePreamble% This works great for the case where there is no preamble.
        % -----------
        \let\OldInput\input%         Need to redefine \input as the file being read uses
        \renewcommand*{\input}[1]{}% \input before \begin{document}.
        % -----------

    \ExtractMyTokenB{goo}%  <----- This does not invoke \DisablePreamble, and works 
    % ------------
    %\ExtractMyTokenA{foo}%   <----- This invokes \DisablePreamble, which fails 


 \providecommand{\env@document@save@env}{}% To keep environ happy



%  This file is ONLY needed once we get past the error message.
%\usepackage{filecontents}% Comment out so as to NOT overwrite foo.tex and goo.tex.

    \MyToken={foobar}%   <----- Only this line should be executed. ALL other lines in foo.tex are to be ignored.

       lots of text here

       \SetSomeVarable{\SomeVar}{Some Value}

           lots more stuff here as well

% This file does not have a preamble so won't need a call to "\DisablePreamble"
    \MyToken={goobar}%   <----- Only this line should be executed. ALL other lines in foo.tex are to be ignored.

%% ------------------------------
%% Problem is in here somewhere!!  Shows up once we uncomment "\ExtractMyToken{foo}" below.
\makeatletter% <---- This was missing!!!!!
        \renewcommand{\documentclass}[2][]{}%  remove def'n of \documentclass
        %% http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/165258/how-to-ignore-everything-in-the-document-environment
        \providecommand{\env@document@save@env}{}% To keep environ happy
        \RenewEnviron{document}{\endgroup\begingroup}% Ignore everything within the "document" environment.

\newcommand{\ExtractMyTokenA}[1]{% Same as \ExtractMyTokenB, except invokes "\DisablePreamble" 
    % #1 = File Name with path
        % -----------
        \let\OldInput\input%         Need to redefine \input as the file being read uses
        \renewcommand*{\input}[1]{}% \input before \begin{document}.
        % -----------

\newcommand{\ExtractMyTokenB}[1]{% Same as \ExtractMyTokenA, except "\DisablePreamble" is commented.
    % #1 = File Name with path
        %\DisablePreamble% This works great for the case where there is no preamble.
        % -----------
        \let\OldInput\input%         Need to redefine \input as the file being read uses
        \renewcommand*{\input}[1]{}% \input before \begin{document}.
        % -----------

    \ExtractMyTokenB{goo}%  <----- This does not invoke \DisablePreamble, and works 
    % ------------
    \ExtractMyTokenA{foo}%   <----- This invokes \DisablePreamble, which fails 
