我怎样才能在 LateX 中复制这个表?

我怎样才能在 LateX 中复制这个表?

有人能帮我制作如下所示的表格吗?我在 MS Word 中创建了它,我想在 LaTeX 中重新创建它,但我发现这很难做到……




    \centering\textbf{Technique Used} &
    \centering\textbf{Premise Considered} &
    \centering\textbf{Attributes} &
    \centering\textbf{Approach} \cr
    Potential Fields \cite{potfield} &
    Location information and range &
    Balanced deployment with the help of repulsive mechanism, when in proximity to obstacles &
    Distributed self spreading algorithm (DSSA) \cite{DSSA} &
    Location information &
    A profitable scheme to conserve energy during deployment of a WSN divided into clusters &
    \multirow{-2}{2cm}{Virtual forces} \cr
    Co-Fi \cite{cofi} &
    Location information &
    Ditributed scheme to conserve energy and provide regulated coverage fidelity &
    VEC, VOR, Minmax \cite{vec} &
    Location information &
    Identify coverage holes and enabling sensors to move away from dense area &
    \multirow{-2}{2cm}{Computational geometry} \cr
  \caption{A table, which was ported from Excel}

\bibitem{potfield} Doe, John. \emph{Description of Potential Field Methods}. Journal of Fields \textbf{21}, 100--110, 1990.
\bibitem{DSSA} Nobody, Frank. \emph{Introducing the DSSA Methods}. Methods Rev. \textbf{10}, 62--68, 2001.
\bibitem{cofi} Doe, Jane. \emph{Co-Fi and its Applications}. Rev. Co-Fi. \textbf{17}, 80--89, 2003.
\bibitem{vec} Fawkes, Guy. \emph{VEC, VOR and Minmax -- What's the difference?}. J. Vec. Vor. \textbf{99}, 221000, 1996.

