引用特定条目时出现“对齐制表符 & 位置错误”错误

引用特定条目时出现“对齐制表符 & 位置错误”错误

我一直收到错误:“对齐制表符 & ... 位置错误”,即使在未使用 & 字符的句子中也是如此。在我引用的句子中也出现了这种情况。


In the offshore industry this is different as no central organization is present like
the ICAO \citep{ChristouK2012}.
Some organizations try to fulfil such a central role at national level, trying to
provide information to other organizations in that country, such as the Oil and Gas UK.
They collect accident data, however mostly qualitatively, and provide this to other
companies in order for them to benchmark their accident reports to the numbers of Oil
and Gas UK \citep{OilGas}\footnote{Chapter 8 of the Oil and Gas UK report includes the
aim 'to make the UK the safest place to work in the worldwide oil and gas industry'.
Furthermore, it has been pointed out that the offshore sector in the UK is already much
safer and risk aware than the US. Interesting to see is that there is no intention at
this point to organize in such a way that the offshore industry would benefit globally,
but nationally. Despite the fact that contractors, subcontractors and personnel are
from every region of the globe.}. As no information with regard to the circumstances of
the accidents were provided, no lessons learned could be incorporated in policies of
other companies.\\


LaTeX 显示以下错误:Misplaced alignment tab character & ...e number of Oil and Gas UK\citep{OilGas}


author = "{{O}il and {G}as {UK}}",
title = "{H}ealth and {S}afety {R}eport 2012",
institution = "{O}il and {G}as {UK}",
year = "2012"



我可以重现问题仅有的如果 bib 条目有

author = "{{O}il & {G}as {UK}}",

Oil \& Gas UK如果您希望打印 & 符号,则应为。&在您的 bib 文件中查找其他未转义的。

顺便说一句,BibTeX 的小写问题只影响标题,因此条目应输入为

author = "{Oil \& Gas UK}",
title = "{H}ealth and {S}afety {R}eport 2012",
institution = "Oil and Gas UK",
year = "2012"


title = "Health and Safety Report 2012",



&对于 Ubuntu 中的 TexWorks:我按照建议在我的文件中查找.bib并更改为\&。事实上,&在我上次编辑时,一个已经溜进去了。





在 Windows 7 上,我通过简单地删除包含 .tex 的文件夹中的所有其他文件解决了该问题:

  • .blg
  • .bbl
  • .log
  • .aux
  • .gz 文件。重新编译项目,问题就消失了:-)


&我在使用 IEEE 类文件时也遇到了这个问题。即使用替换后,错误仍然存​​在\&

