库,但它对创建的 PDF 没有影响,所有代码都出现在同一页中。有人能帮帮我吗?
以下是 MWE。
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# Unzip the file to the created directory
$ unzip code-163f67cbf550560aa351b3d0a3bbbd7a22863cb4.zip -d ~
$ mkdir ~/camino
# Since the directory name is long, I do the following
$ mv ~/code-163f67cbf550560aa351b3d0a3bbbd7a22863cb4/ ~/code
$ cd ~/camino
$ ls -F
apps/ inverters/ Makefile* numerics/ sphfunc/
bin/ ISCodes/ man/ optimizers/ test/
data/ Jama/ matlab/ PointSets/ tools/
doc/ license.pdf* mesd/ README.txt* tractography/
fitters/ license.txt* misc/ SGE/ UpdatePolicy.txt*
imaging/ logging.properties* models/ simulation/
$ make
# Unzip the file to the created directory
$ unzip code-163f67cbf550560aa351b3d0a3bbbd7a22863cb4.zip -d ~
$ mkdir ~/camino
# Since the directory name is long, I do the following
$ mv ~/code-163f67cbf550560aa351b3d0a3bbbd7a22863cb4/ ~/code
$ cd ~/camino
$ ls -F
apps/ inverters/ Makefile* numerics/ sphfunc/
bin/ ISCodes/ man/ optimizers/ test/
data/ Jama/ matlab/ PointSets/ tools/
doc/ license.pdf* mesd/ README.txt* tractography/
fitters/ license.txt* misc/ SGE/ UpdatePolicy.txt*
imaging/ logging.properties* models/ simulation/
$ make
# Unzip the file to the created directory
$ unzip code-163f67cbf550560aa351b3d0a3bbbd7a22863cb4.zip -d ~
$ mkdir ~/camino
# Since the directory name is long, I do the following
$ mv ~/code-163f67cbf550560aa351b3d0a3bbbd7a22863cb4/ ~/code
$ cd ~/camino
$ ls -F
apps/ inverters/ Makefile* numerics/ sphfunc/
bin/ ISCodes/ man/ optimizers/ test/
data/ Jama/ matlab/ PointSets/ tools/
doc/ license.pdf* mesd/ README.txt* tractography/
fitters/ license.txt* misc/ SGE/ UpdatePolicy.txt*
imaging/ logging.properties* models/ simulation/
$ make
# Unzip the file to the created directory
$ unzip code-163f67cbf550560aa351b3d0a3bbbd7a22863cb4.zip -d ~
$ mkdir ~/camino
# Since the directory name is long, I do the following
$ mv ~/code-163f67cbf550560aa351b3d0a3bbbd7a22863cb4/ ~/code
$ cd ~/camino
$ ls -F
apps/ inverters/ Makefile* numerics/ sphfunc/
bin/ ISCodes/ man/ optimizers/ test/
data/ Jama/ matlab/ PointSets/ tools/
doc/ license.pdf* mesd/ README.txt* tractography/
fitters/ license.txt* misc/ SGE/ UpdatePolicy.txt*
imaging/ logging.properties* models/ simulation/
$ make
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rectangle ([xshift=5mm]frame.north west);\end{tcbclipinterior}}
# Unzip the file to the created directory
$ unzip code-163f67cbf550560aa351b3d0a3bbbd7a22863cb4.zip -d ~
$ mkdir ~/camino
# Since the directory name is long, I do the following
$ mv ~/code-163f67cbf550560aa351b3d0a3bbbd7a22863cb4/ ~/code
$ cd ~/camino
$ ls -F
apps/ inverters/ Makefile* numerics/ sphfunc/
bin/ ISCodes/ man/ optimizers/ test/
data/ Jama/ matlab/ PointSets/ tools/
doc/ license.pdf* mesd/ README.txt* tractography/
fitters/ license.txt* misc/ SGE/ UpdatePolicy.txt*
imaging/ logging.properties* models/ simulation/
$ make
# Unzip the file to the created directory
$ unzip code-163f67cbf550560aa351b3d0a3bbbd7a22863cb4.zip -d ~
$ mkdir ~/camino
# Since the directory name is long, I do the following
$ mv ~/code-163f67cbf550560aa351b3d0a3bbbd7a22863cb4/ ~/code
$ cd ~/camino
$ ls -F
apps/ inverters/ Makefile* numerics/ sphfunc/
bin/ ISCodes/ man/ optimizers/ test/
data/ Jama/ matlab/ PointSets/ tools/
doc/ license.pdf* mesd/ README.txt* tractography/
fitters/ license.txt* misc/ SGE/ UpdatePolicy.txt*
imaging/ logging.properties* models/ simulation/
$ make
# Unzip the file to the created directory
$ unzip code-163f67cbf550560aa351b3d0a3bbbd7a22863cb4.zip -d ~
$ mkdir ~/camino
# Since the directory name is long, I do the following
$ mv ~/code-163f67cbf550560aa351b3d0a3bbbd7a22863cb4/ ~/code
$ cd ~/camino
$ ls -F
apps/ inverters/ Makefile* numerics/ sphfunc/
bin/ ISCodes/ man/ optimizers/ test/
data/ Jama/ matlab/ PointSets/ tools/
doc/ license.pdf* mesd/ README.txt* tractography/
fitters/ license.txt* misc/ SGE/ UpdatePolicy.txt*
imaging/ logging.properties* models/ simulation/
$ make
# Unzip the file to the created directory
$ unzip code-163f67cbf550560aa351b3d0a3bbbd7a22863cb4.zip -d ~
$ mkdir ~/camino
# Since the directory name is long, I do the following
$ mv ~/code-163f67cbf550560aa351b3d0a3bbbd7a22863cb4/ ~/code
$ cd ~/camino
$ ls -F
apps/ inverters/ Makefile* numerics/ sphfunc/
bin/ ISCodes/ man/ optimizers/ test/
data/ Jama/ matlab/ PointSets/ tools/
doc/ license.pdf* mesd/ README.txt* tractography/
fitters/ license.txt* misc/ SGE/ UpdatePolicy.txt*
imaging/ logging.properties* models/ simulation/
$ make