在我的计算机上重新安装 MiKTeX 之前,我使用了以下代码:
\coordinate (A0) at (4.04,0);
\coordinate (A1) at (2.93,2.79);
\coordinate (B0) at (-2.02,3.5);
\coordinate (B1) at (-3.88,1.14);
\coordinate (C0) at (-2.02,-3.5);
\coordinate (C1) at (0.95,-3.93);
\coordinate (O) at (0,0);
\coordinate (An-1) at (-2.64, 3.06);
\coordinate (Bn-1) at (-1.33,-3.81);
\coordinate (Cn-1) at (3.97,.75);
% Draw x and y axis lines
\draw [->, thick] (-4.51,0) -- (5.73,0) node [below] {$x$};
\draw [->,thick] (0,-4.43) -- (0,5.31) node [left] {$y$};
\draw[very thick] (O) circle (4.04cm);
\draw[blue, very thick] (A0) -- (B0)--(C0) --(A0);
\draw[blue, very thick] (A1) -- (B1)--(C1) --(A1);
\draw[dashed] (O) -- (B0);
\draw[very thick] (O) -- (A0);
\draw[very thick] (O) -- (A1);
% draw the arc
\draw[->,thick] let \p1=(O), \p2=(A0), \p3=(A1),
\n1={atan2(\x2-\x1,\y2-\y1)}, \n2={atan2(\x3-\x1,\y3-\y1)} in
($(\p1)!\angleRadius!(\p2)$) arc (\n1:\n2:\angleRadius);
% draw the label
\draw let \p1=(O), \p2=(A0), \p3=(A1),
\n1={atan2(\x2-\x1,\y2-\y1)}, \n2={atan2(\x3-\x1,\y3-\y1)} in
(\p1)+(\n1/2+\n2/2:\angleRadius) node[right] {$\beta$};
\draw[thick] let \p1=(O), \p2=(A0), \p3=(B0),
\n1={atan2(\x2-\x1,\y2-\y1)}, \n2={atan2(\x3-\x1,\y3-\y1)} in
($(\p1)!\angleRadius!(\p2)$) arc (\n1:\n2:\angleRadius);
\draw[dashed] let \p1=(O), \p2=(A0), \p3=(A1),
\n1={atan2(\x2-\x1,\y2-\y1)}, \n2={atan2(\x3-\x1,\y3-\y1)} in
(\p1)+(\n1/2+\n2/2:\angleRadius) node[above=15, left=-5] {$120^\circ$};
\shade [ball color = blue] (A0) circle (0.5ex) node [right=8, below=3] {$A_0$};
\shade [ball color = blue] (B0) circle (0.5ex) node [above] {$B_0$};
\shade [ball color = blue] (C0) circle (0.5ex) node [left=9, below] {$C_0$};
\shade [ball color = blue] (A1) circle (0.5ex) node [right=3] {$A_1$};
\shade [ball color = blue] (B1) circle (0.5ex) node [above=5, left=1] {$B_1$};
\shade [ball color = blue] (C1) circle (0.5ex) node [ below] {$C_1$};
\shade [ball color = blue] (An-1) circle (0.5ex) node [left=3] {$A_{n-1}$};
\shade [ball color = blue] (Bn-1) circle (0.5ex) node [below] {$B_{n-1}$};
\shade [ball color = blue] (Cn-1) circle (0.5ex) node [right] {$C_{n-1}$};
\shade [ball color = black] (O) circle (0.5ex) node [below=8, left=3] {$O$};
然而,当我重新安装 MiKTeX 时,出现了问题。上面的代码
在版本 3 中发生了变化,交换了参数的顺序。原因是,在此函数的所有实现中,是坐标在前,而在旧 PGF 版本 2 中,坐标必须按以下顺序给出坐标。
如果您想要一个可以使用 TikZ/PGF 版本(2 或 3)进行编译的文档,您可以定义自己的函数,根据版本号改变其行为。
与版本 3 具有相同语法的函数atan2
。当使用 TikZ/PGF 版本 2 编译文档时,该函数会调用atan2
{\pgfmathdeclarefunction{Xatan2}{2}{\csname pgfmathatan2\endcsname{#2}{#1}}}% PGF version 2
{\pgfmathdeclarefunction{Xatan2}{2}{\csname pgfmathatan2\endcsname{#1}{#2}}}% PGF version 3
\coordinate (A0) at (4.04,0);
\coordinate (A1) at (2.93,2.79);
\coordinate (B0) at (-2.02,3.5);
\coordinate (B1) at (-3.88,1.14);
\coordinate (C0) at (-2.02,-3.5);
\coordinate (C1) at (0.95,-3.93);
\coordinate (O) at (0,0);
\coordinate (An-1) at (-2.64, 3.06);
\coordinate (Bn-1) at (-1.33,-3.81);
\coordinate (Cn-1) at (3.97,.75);
% Draw x and y axis lines
\draw [->, thick] (-4.51,0) -- (5.73,0) node [below] {$x$};
\draw [->,thick] (0,-4.43) -- (0,5.31) node [left] {$y$};
\draw[very thick] (O) circle (4.04cm);
\draw[blue, very thick] (A0) -- (B0)--(C0) --(A0);
\draw[blue, very thick] (A1) -- (B1)--(C1) --(A1);
\draw[dashed] (O) -- (B0);
\draw[very thick] (O) -- (A0);
\draw[very thick] (O) -- (A1);
% draw the arc
\draw[->,thick] let \p1=(O), \p2=(A0), \p3=(A1),
\n1={Xatan2(\y2-\y1,\x2-\x1)}, \n2={Xatan2(\y3-\y1,\x3-\x1)} in
($(\p1)!\angleRadius!(\p2)$) arc (\n1:\n2:\angleRadius);
% draw the label
\draw let \p1=(O), \p2=(A0), \p3=(A1),
\n1={Xatan2(\y2-\y1,\x2-\x1)}, \n2={Xatan2(\y3-\y1,\x3-\x1)} in
(\p1)+(\n1/2+\n2/2:\angleRadius) node[right] {$\beta$};
\draw[thick] let \p1=(O), \p2=(A0), \p3=(B0),
\n1={Xatan2(\y2-\y1,\x2-\x1)}, \n2={Xatan2(\y3-\y1,\x3-\x1)} in
($(\p1)!\angleRadius!(\p2)$) arc (\n1:\n2:\angleRadius);
\draw[dashed] let \p1=(O), \p2=(A0), \p3=(A1),
\n1={Xatan2(\y2-\y1,\x2-\x1)}, \n2={Xatan2(\y3-\y1,\x3-\x1)} in
(\p1)+(\n1/2+\n2/2:\angleRadius) node[above=15, left=-5] {$120^\circ$};
\shade [ball color = blue] (A0) circle (0.5ex) node [right=8, below=3] {$A_0$};
\shade [ball color = blue] (B0) circle (0.5ex) node [above] {$B_0$};
\shade [ball color = blue] (C0) circle (0.5ex) node [left=9, below] {$C_0$};
\shade [ball color = blue] (A1) circle (0.5ex) node [right=3] {$A_1$};
\shade [ball color = blue] (B1) circle (0.5ex) node [above=5, left=1] {$B_1$};
\shade [ball color = blue] (C1) circle (0.5ex) node [ below] {$C_1$};
\shade [ball color = blue] (An-1) circle (0.5ex) node [left=3] {$A_{n-1}$};
\shade [ball color = blue] (Bn-1) circle (0.5ex) node [below] {$B_{n-1}$};
\shade [ball color = blue] (Cn-1) circle (0.5ex) node [right] {$C_{n-1}$};
\shade [ball color = black] (O) circle (0.5ex) node [below=8, left=3] {$O$};
我使用 TeX Live 2012(TikZ/PGF 版本 2.10)或 TeX Live 2013(TikZ/PGF 版本 3.0.0)进行编译得到的结果是相同的。