


  1. 索引中的奇怪间距
  2. 索引未出现在脚注链接中/未被识别为部分

该代码无法在此页面上正确显示(不知何故 4 个空格不起作用),因此我将其粘贴这里


请参阅带有不同附录超链接的 rfoot。




% Set some commands that I'll use for all footers

% Command for pageref for page/LastPage in footer
\cfoot{\thepage /\pageref{LastPage}\hyperlink{page.\getpagerefnumber{anchor.lastpage}}{ $\rightarrow$}}

% Global pagestyle commands
                    \rfoot{\hyperlink{document.toc}{$\leftarrow$ Naar inhoudsopgave}}

% By declaring the plain pagestyle explicitly, the first page is forced in terms of header and footer settings
% Not declaring this page style will not apply fancyhdr settings to the first page
\cfoot{\thepage /\pageref{LastPage}\hyperlink{page.\getpagerefnumber{anchor.lastpage}}{ $\rightarrow$}}

% header dummies which will be used in appendices - Auto-adjustment for variable page print of appendices
% It's also possible to use \getpagerefnumber and link thereto, but that gets you to the top of the page rather than the top of the appendix
% It's a small difference, but this yields a (slightly) prettier result
                    \rfoot{\pbox{5cm}{\hyperlink{document.toc}{$\leftarrow$ Naar inhoudsopgave} \\ \hyperlink{appendix.b}{Naar begrippenlijst $\rightarrow$}  \\ \hyperlink{appendix.c}{Naar Index $\rightarrow$ }}}% 
                    \rfoot{\pbox{5cm}{\hyperlink{document.toc}{$\leftarrow$ Naar inhoudsopgave} \\ \hyperlink{appendix.a}{$\leftarrow$ Naar \textbf{\textcolor{blue}{R}} commando's} \\ \hyperlink{appendix.c}{Naar Index $\rightarrow$ }}}% 
                    \rfoot{\pbox{5cm}{\hyperlink{document.toc}{$\leftarrow$ Naar inhoudsopgave} \\ \hyperlink{appendix.b}{$\leftarrow$ Naar begrippenlijst} \\ \hyperlink{appendix.d}{Naar Nesting $\rightarrow$ }}}%
                    \rfoot{\pbox{5cm}{\hyperlink{document.toc}{$\leftarrow$ Naar inhoudsopgave} \\ \hyperlink{appendix.b}{$\leftarrow$ Naar begrippenlijst } \\ \hyperlink{appendix.c}{$\leftarrow$ Naar Index }}}%

                    \rfoot{\pbox{5cm}{\hyperlink{document.toc}{$\leftarrow$ Naar inhoudsopgave} \\ \hyperlink{appendix.b}{Naar begrippenlijst $\rightarrow$}  \\ \hyperlink{appendix.c}{Naar Index $\rightarrow$ }}}% 
                    \fancyhead[C]{} % Reset the header from headerref construction
                    \rfoot{\pbox{5cm}{\hyperlink{document.toc}{$\leftarrow$ Naar inhoudsopgave} \\ \hyperlink{appendix.a}{$\leftarrow$ Naar \textbf{\textcolor{blue}{R}} commando's} \\ \hyperlink{appendix.c}{Naar Index $\rightarrow$ }}}% 
                    \rfoot{\pbox{5cm}{\hyperlink{document.toc}{$\leftarrow$ Naar inhoudsopgave} \\ \hyperlink{appendix.b}{$\leftarrow$ Naar begrippenlijst} \\ \hyperlink{appendix.d}{Naar Nesting $\rightarrow$ }}}%
                    \rfoot{\pbox{5cm}{\hyperlink{document.toc}{$\leftarrow$ Naar inhoudsopgave} \\ \hyperlink{appendix.b}{$\leftarrow$ Naar begrippenlijst } \\ \hyperlink{appendix.c}{$\leftarrow$ Naar Index }}}%

% Cross-references
        pdfstartview={XYZ null null 1.00}




% Footer section name - Declare after ToC to keep section numbering intact


\section{Week 1 - Intro \textcolor{blue}{\textbf{R}}}
\subsubsection{Objecten met \'e\'en getal}


% Clearpage to move floats as well, use newpage if you don't have floats on the last page

% I am using hypertargets from the preamble to make sure hyperref takes you to the top of the page and not the middle of it
% I've already explained why I picked this solution over \getpagerefnumber
\section{\textbf{\textcolor{blue}{R} commando's}}











% Because the footer is printed last and there is a space between the appendices environment and the end of the document, we have to force this value or define set a manual environment. Setting a new environment would be the more tedious solution
                    \rfoot{\pbox{5cm}{\hyperlink{document.toc}{$\leftarrow$ Naar inhoudsopgave} \\ \hyperlink{appendix.b}{$\leftarrow$ Naar begrippenlijst } \\ \hyperlink{appendix.c}{$\leftarrow$ Naar Index }}}%
                    \lfoot{\textbf{Nesting}} % This will have to be set manually to circumvent cross-environment anomalies with fancyhdr

% Anchor on last page













        pdfstartview={XYZ null null 1.00}



% Providing section command with no optional argument

% No name reference to unnumbered sections 


% Providing section command with an optional argument

% "True" section command

%%%%%% Use the 'improved' section commands with forward/backward links

  % \thispagestyle{plain}\parindent\z@
  \parskip\z@ \@plus .3\p@\relax
  \columnseprule \z@
  \columnsep 35\p@






    % Only set a link of the next section is not the index section%
  }% End of inner \DoIfNumInEqual

%  \DoIfNumInequal{\number\value{#1}-1}{\number\value{PrintIndexSectionCounter}}{%
% Insert link in any case, since there is no bottom `Index` link
}% End of outer \DoIfNumInequal
}% End of command

    \addtocounter{InternalTitleCounter}{1}% Look ahead
}% End of outer \DoIfNumInEqual

% But do nothing if the section number is equal to the total section counter value
  \addtocounter{InternalTitleCounter}{-2}% Look ahead
}% End of outer \DoIfNumInequal
}% End of command






%%%%Additional counters%%%%



\newcounter{PreviousSectionCounter}% No resetting%%%

\newcounter{NextSectionCounter}% No resetting%%%

\newcounter{CurrentSectionCounter}% No resetting%%%







%%%%% Check first whether there is already a previous section
\ifnumequal{\number\value{CurrentSectionCounter}}{1}{% Yes, section number is zero
% CurrentSectionCounter > 1
% Set Target to current section
% Set correct numbers 

% #1: Number of IndexSection
% #2: Number of CurrentSection
% #3: Text for link to previous section (normally left hand?)
% #4: Text for link to next section (normally right hand?)
% Do nothing, since there is no Index section (value of #1)!
    }{% Not lesser, check greater then....
      % Do nothing, since both counters are equal!!!!
  }% End of \ifnumless is not true, i.e. other branch >= value of #2 



    \CurrentSectionSymbol\textbf{\contentsname} \tabularnewline

    \CurrentSectionSymbol\textbf{\contentsname} \tabularnewline

    \CurrentSectionSymbol\CurrentSectionName \tabularnewline
      \thepage /\pageref{LastPage}\hyperlink{page.\getpagerefnumber{anchor.lastpage}}{~\ToNextSectionSymbol}       \tabularnewline
    \hyperlink{document.toc}{\ToPreviousSectionSymbol} &     \hyperlink{document.toc}{\LinkToContentsName} \tabularnewline %
    \GenerateArrowHyperlinkToPreviousSection{CurrentSectionCounter}{NextSectionCounter}{1} & \GeneratePreviousSectionHyperlink{CurrentSectionCounter}{PreviousSectionCounter}{1} \tabularnewline%
     \GenerateArrowHyperlinkToNextSection{CurrentSectionCounter}{NextSectionCounter}{LastSectionValue} & \GenerateNextSectionHyperlink{CurrentSectionCounter}{NextSectionCounter}{LastSectionValue} \tabularnewline%
%     \DoIfIndexSection{PrintIndexSectionCounter}{CurrentSectionCounter}{\ToPreviousSectionSymbol}{\ToNextSectionSymbol} &
     \InsertToIndexSymbol{PrintIndexSectionCounter}{CurrentSectionCounter}{\ToPreviousSectionSymbol}{\ToNextSectionSymbol} &
     \hyperlink{CurrentSection::\number\value{PrintIndexSectionCounter}}{\InsertToIndexSymbol{PrintIndexSectionCounter}{CurrentSectionCounter}{\refcommand{CurrentSection::Title::\number\value{PrintIndexSectionCounter}}}{\refcommand{CurrentSection::Title::\number\value{PrintIndexSectionCounter}}}} \tabularnewline%
\fancyhead[C]{} % Reset the header from headerref construction    





\section{First Section}
\section{Another section}

\section[Short Section Title]{Another section with a not so short title}

\section{The three witches}

\clearpage %




\section{\textbf{\textcolor{blue}{R} commando's}}


\section*{And I am a completely unnumbered section and do not appear in the foot links ;-)}


\printindex% Note: \printindex behavious like an extra section

\section{\textbf{$E = mc^2$}}

\section{Dummy 1}
\section{Dummy 2}




  • 如果索引部分的标准链接仅位于前一节或前一节,则省略指向下一节和上一节的脚注链接。然后,链接指向前一节 +- 2 节

  • \printindex现在表现得像一个部分条目,带有目录项

  • 如果没有\printindex,则不插入底部索引链接。.aux在这种情况下,请手动删除文件!
