\chapter{A chapter}
\section{A section}
\section{A longer named section}
\chapter{Another chapter}
\section{A section}
\section{Yet another section}
\section{And a really long section named which probably is so very long that
some people might think is too long}
1 A chapter 3
1.1 A section 3
1.2 A longer named 3
2 Another chapter 5
2.1 A section 5
2.2 Yet another section 5
2.3 And a really long 5
section named which
probably is so very
long that some
people might think
it is too long
如果有小节等,则必须通过适当的附加定义来完成。此外,为了与 兼容,需要比 更新或更旧memoir
% goal:
% Contents
% 1 A chapter 3
% 1.1 A section 3
% 1.2 A longer named 3
% section
% 2 Another chapter 5
% 2.1 A section 5
% 2.2 Yet another section 5
% 2.3 And a really long 5
% section named which
% probably is so very
% long that some
% people might think
% it is too long
\usepackage{etoc}[2014/04/22]% 1.07l (or < 1.07k) needed for memoir compatibility
% these things being used either in bold or medium series contexts, better not
% to use em or ex for them.
\newcommand{\marginC}{15pt}% reserved space for chapter numbers
\newcommand{\marginS}{20pt}% reserved space for section numbers
\newcommand{\marginP}{15pt}% reserved space for page numbers
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\parindent 0pt\relax
\parfillskip 0pt plus 1fil\relax
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\leftskip \the\dimexpr\oldleftskip+\marginS\relax plus 1fil\relax
\parfillskip 0pt\relax
\chapter{A chapter}
\section{And a really long named section which probably is so very long that
some people might think is too long}
\section{A section}
\section{A longer named section}
\chapter{Another chapter which has a long, very very long name}
\section{A section}
\section{Yet another section}
\section{And a really long named section which probably is so very long that
some people might think is too long}