LyX 下使用法语 guillemets 在 csquotes 中实现跨越多个段落的引文

LyX 下使用法语 guillemets 在 csquotes 中实现跨越多个段落的引文


\DeclareQuoteStyle[american]{english}% verified

"This is a quotation," he said.  "It continues onto the next paragraph.

Here is the continuation of my quote.  As per literary convention,
there is no end-quote at the end of the previous paragraph."



通常,在 LyX 文档中,将第一部分放在\begin{document}序言部分之前,其余部分放在LyX 编辑器\begin\end应该可以工作(除了文档类在 LyX 界面中声明,并且 LyX 声明\language)。

第一个问题:在生成的 pdf 中,我没有中间的引文(开始中间段落的引文)。


%\DeclareQuoteStyle[american]{english}% verified

pdf 输出完全相同。但我认为它与第 1 点相关。因此,这是完整的 LyX 代码(\language应在文本编辑器中手动编辑,否则 LyX 会在其界面中显示 français,但随后会发出错误):

#LyX 2.1 created this file. For more info see
\lyxformat 474
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\begin_layout Verbatim


\begin_layout Verbatim
"This is a quotation," he said.
  "It continues onto the next paragraph.

\begin_layout Verbatim


\begin_layout Verbatim
Here is the continuation of my quote.
  As per literary convention,

\begin_layout Verbatim
there is no end-quote at the end of the previous paragraph."

\begin_layout Verbatim


\begin_layout Verbatim

\begin_layout Verbatim


\begin_layout Verbatim
«This is a quotation,» he said.
  «It continues onto the next paragraph.

\begin_layout Verbatim


\begin_layout Verbatim
Here is the continuation of my quote.
  As per literary convention,

\begin_layout Verbatim
there is no end-quote at the end of the previous paragraph.»

\begin_layout Verbatim



第三点:我想知道我是否可以使用\MakeAutoQuote{«}{»}来在 LyX 编辑器中\DeclareQuoteStyle输入而不是。我想使用而不是,但当然,当在序言中选择法语样式时仍然会输出。«some text»"some text"«some text»« some text »« some text »




... 不确定这是否是您想要的。看来您必须(重新)做\DeclareQuoteAlias[french]{guillemets}{french}问题 1 和 2;\MakeAutoQuote{«}{»}特别是问题 3 的序言。以下是 MWE:

\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} % must have, to be able to enter {«}{»} for \MakeAutoQuote
%\DeclareQuoteStyle[american]{english}% verified
\MakeAutoQuote{«}{»} % works fine here (with utf8 support)
% from tex/latex/csquotes/csquotes.def:

\typeout{language is \languagename} % language is french

"This is a quotation," he said.  "It continues onto the next paragraph.

Here is the continuation of my quote.  As per literary convention,
there is no end-quote at the end of the previous paragraph."

% \MakeAutoQuote{«}{»} % passes here, if not used in preamble - but doesn't add the « on the second paragraph
% \MakeOuterQuote{«} % causes "! Package csquotes Error: Invalid argument."

«This is a quotation,» he said.  «It continues onto the next paragraph.

Here is the continuation of my quote.  As per literary convention,
there is no end-quote at the end of the previous paragraph.»

