

我想把答案放在文件的末尾,就像马丁·沙勒在回答这个问题时做的那样tex core - “单独”显示问题的解决方案 - TeX - LaTeX Stack Exchange,我现在可以把“判断题”类问题的答案,以及多项选择题的答案放进去,但是我没有办法把答案放到考试类的解决方案环境中去。




  % One optional argument, the default value of which is empty.
  \ifprintanswers %whether to show the answers or leave it as a blank
    \hbox to \answerspace{(\hfil#1\hfil)}%
   % \xappto\answertext{\expandonce{\thequestion\theanswer}}
    \hbox{(\hskip 0.5in)}%
}% dottedanswerline




\newif\ifshowsolution \showsolutiontrue


\def\makechoicelabel#1{#1\uline{\thechoiceitem.}\else\thechoiceitem.\fi\space} %答案显示下划线+字母或者字母,用于最终显示


  {\choice@mesureitem\ifprintanswers \xappto\theanswer{\thechoiceitem}}%

  \hbox to \choiceitemwidth\bgroup\hss\refstepcounter{choiceitem}\makechoicelabel#1}




  \else % \choiceitemwidth > 0.5\linewidth


\section{True OR False questions}
\question text text text text text text text text text text text text.\dottedanswerline[\True]

\question text text text text text text text text text text text text.\dottedanswerline[\True]

\question text text text text text text text text text text text text.\dottedanswerline[\False]

\section{Multiply choices questions}
  \question Why is there air?
    \item To blow up volleyballs.
    \item*  To fill an unneeded void.

  \question text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text
        \item foo
        \item bar


\section{Other questions}
\question[5] text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text?
1, text answer1
2, text answer2

\question text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text?
part one?
part two?
1, answer to part1
2, answer to part2
% \newpage
% Some time later




