尝试在 Ubuntu 10.04 上安装 valgrind 时出错

尝试在 Ubuntu 10.04 上安装 valgrind 时出错

无法找到以下问题的解决方案。我运行的是 Ubuntu 10.04。

~$ apt-get install valgrind
   Reading package lists... Done
   Reading state information... Done
   Some packages could not be installed. This may mean.... etc
   The following packages have unmet dependencies:
     valgrind: Depends: libc6-dbg but it is not going to be installed
   E: Broken packages
~$ apt-get install libc6-dbg
   lic6-dbg: Depends libc6 (= 2.11.1-0ubuntu7.8) but 2.11.1-0ubuntu7.10 is to be installed
   E: Broken packages

