我认为我的 .bib 文件有问题。我有参考文献,其中一个可以完美运行,而另一个则不行。第一次引用其中一个参考文献时,我希望看到所有作者的名字和姓氏。这仅适用于我的第二个参考文献,这里是 MWE。
address = {Norwell, MA, USA},
author = {Wohlin, Claes and Runeson, Per and H\"{o}st, Martin and Ohlsson, Magnus C and Regnell, Bj\"{o}orn and Wessl\'{e}n, Anders},
isbn = {0-7923-8682-5},
publisher = {Kluwer Academic Publishers},
title = {{Experimentation in Software Engineering: An Introduction}},
year = {2000}
abstract = {.....},
author = {Rogers, Yvonne and Sharp, Helen and Preece, Jenny},
isbn = {0470665769},
publisher = {John Wiley \& Sons, Ltd.},
title = {{Interaction Design: Beyond Human - Computer Interaction}},
volume = {6},
year = {2011}
% backend=bibtex % use BibTeX
backend=biber % Use biber
Hello \textcite{Wohlin2000}. How are you? And Hello to you, \textcite{Rogers2011}.
如果姓名列表包含 5 位以上的作者,则即使第一次引用也会打印“et al.”
\ifboolexpr{test {\ifnumcomp{\value{listcount}}{=}{1}}
or test {\ifnumcomp{\value{listtotal}}{=}{2}}}
{\ifboolexpr{test {\ifnumcomp{\value{listtotal}}{>}{999}}% standard biblatex-apa has "\ifnumcomp{\value{listtotal}}{>}{5}" here
or test {\ifciteseen}}
{\ifnumcomp{\value{listcount}}{<}{\cbx@min + 1}% normal name
\ifnumcomp{\value{listcount}}{=}{\cbx@min + 1}% first past ul is et al
% but enforce plurality of et al - only truncate here if there is at
% least one more element after the current potential truncation point
% so that "et al" covers at least two elements.
\ifnumcomp{\value{listcount}}{>}{\cbx@min + 1}% nothing thereafter
address = {Norwell, MA, USA},
author = {Wohlin, Claes and Runeson, Per and H\"{o}st, Martin and Ohlsson, Magnus C and Regnell, Bj\"{o}orn and Wessl\'{e}n, Anders},
isbn = {0-7923-8682-5},
publisher = {Kluwer Academic Publishers},
title = {{Experimentation in Software Engineering: {An} Introduction}},
year = {2000},
author = {Rogers, Yvonne and Sharp, Helen and Preece, Jenny},
isbn = {0470665769},
publisher = {John Wiley \& Sons, Ltd.},
title = {{Interaction Design: Beyond Human - Computer Interaction}},
volume = {6},
year = {2011},
\ifboolexpr{test {\ifnumcomp{\value{listcount}}{=}{1}}
or test {\ifnumcomp{\value{listtotal}}{=}{2}}}
{\ifboolexpr{test {\ifnumcomp{\value{listtotal}}{>}{999}}% standard biblatex-apa has "\ifnumcomp{\value{listtotal}}{>}{5}" here
or test {\ifciteseen}}
{\ifnumcomp{\value{listcount}}{<}{\cbx@min + 1}% normal name
\ifnumcomp{\value{listcount}}{=}{\cbx@min + 1}% first past ul is et al
% but enforce plurality of et al - only truncate here if there is at
% least one more element after the current potential truncation point
% so that "et al" covers at least two elements.
\ifnumcomp{\value{listcount}}{>}{\cbx@min + 1}% nothing thereafter
Hello \textcite{Wohlin2000}. How are you? And Hello to you, \textcite{Rogers2011}.
Hello \textcite{Wohlin2000}. How are you? And Hello to you, \textcite{Rogers2011}.