\fbox{\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=0.2] % pour rester dans la page
% center
\path (0,0) coordinate(A);
% circles
\foreach \rr in {12,...,25}{
\draw (A) circle (\rr);
\def\pp{4} % nb of slices
% Assume the percentage is 20,10,20,10 respectively for the 4 slice
\foreach \aa in {0,20,30,50,60}{
\draw ($(A)+({\aa*36/10}:12)$) -- ($(A)+({\aa*36/10}:25)$);
Insert text
\draw ($(A)+(0/\pp*360+60.5:18)$) node[rotate=(100/\pp*60)]{\textcolor{blue}{long text1}};
\draw ($(A)+(0/\pp*360+50.5:21.5)$) node[rotate=(120/\pp*70)]{long text };
\draw ($(A)+(0/\pp*360+40.5:21.5)$) node[rotate=(120/\pp*70)]{\textcolor{red}{long text}};
\draw ($(A)+(0/\pp*360+30.5:21.5)$) node[rotate=(120/\pp*70)]{\textcolor{yellow}{long text}};
\draw ($(A)+(0/\pp*360+20.5:21.5)$) node[rotate=(120/\pp*70)]{\textcolor{blue}{long text}};
我编写了一个宏 ( \curvedtext
- 文本中心所在的角度
- 圆心到文字中心的距离
- 文本的颜色
- 文本
\path[decorate, decoration={text along path, text align=center, text={|\color{#3}\small|#4}}]
($(A)+(#1+20:#2)$) arc (#1+20:#1-20:#2);
\fbox{\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=0.2] % pour rester dans la page
% center
\path (0,0) coordinate(A);
% circles
\foreach \rr in {12,...,25}{
\draw (A) circle (\rr);
\def\pp{4} % nb of slices
% Assume the percentage is 20,10,20,10 respectively for the 4 slice
\foreach \aa in {0,20,30,50,60}{
\draw ($(A)+({\aa*36/10}:12)$) -- ($(A)+({\aa*36/10}:25)$);
\curvedtext{50.5}{21}{blue}{long text};
\curvedtext{40.5}{20}{red}{longer text};
\curvedtext{30.5}{19}{green!60!black}{even longer text};