


\STATE \emph {Taking a sequence of values $(f_{1} \dotsc
f_{n/2})$, and calculating $pfbm = |fft(fbmn)^2|$ where
\textbf{fbmn} is \begin{equation}(n -
\mu_{n})/\sigma_{n}.\end{equation} next pfbm is ranged in the
scale of 0 to 2$\pi$}.

\STATE \emph {Calculating the spectral
density of FBM using the estimated Hurst Parameter range between

\STATE \emph {Calculating the intermediate value of $y_f$
as\begin{equation}y_f =
 \STATE \emph { Multiply each term of $f_{j}$ with an independent exponential random variable with mean
1 call it $ \hat{f}$}.

\STATE \emph {Calculate the values of A and B as \begin{equation}
A = 2*((2*\pi)/data)*sum(y_f). \end{equation} \begin{equation} B =
\framebreak \STATE \emph {Construct $(z_{1} \dotsc z_{n/2})$, a
sequence of complex numbers such that $ |z_{i}|= \sqrt{ \hat{f}}$
and the phase of $z_{i}$ is uniformly distributed between 0 and

\STATE \emph {Construct $\lbrace z'_{1}
\dotsc z'_{n} \rbrace$ an expanded version of $\lbrace z_{1}
\dotsc z_{n/2} \rbrace$}.

 \STATE \emph {Inverse-Fourier transform
$z'_{i}$ to obtain the approximate FGN sample path $x_{i}$}.

\caption{Pseudocode for the generation of Trace Using FGN }


您正在 (float) 环境中设置算法algorithm,并且浮动不能在页面(或)边界中途中断frame。您可以使用我建议的nofloatalgorithmic环境(来自具有部分边框/框架的算法)以允许这种突破:


\usepackage{lmodern}% https://tex.stackexchange.com/q/58087/5764

% Taken from https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/178645/5764
  {% \begin{nofloatalgorithmic}
  %\addvspace{\intextsep}% Vertical gap above in-text float
  \hrule height.8pt depth0pt \kern2pt% Top horizontal rule
  \refstepcounter{algorithm}% Step algorithm counter
  \addcontentsline{loa}{algorithm}{\numberline{\thealgorithm}#2}% Add entry to LoA
  \noindent\textbf{\fname@algorithm~\thealgorithm} #2\par% Write caption
  \kern2pt\hrule\kern2pt% Middle horizontal rule
  {% \end{nofloatalgorithmic}
  \nobreak\kern2pt\hrule\relax% Bottom horizontal rule
  %\addvspace{\intextsep}% Vertical gap below in-text float



  \begin{nofloatalgorithmic}[1]{Pseudocode for the generation of Trace Using FGN\label{alg:seq1}}
    Taking a sequence of values $\bigl( f_{1} \dotsc f_{n/2} \bigr)$, and calculating $\text{pfbm} = 
    |\operatorname{fft}(\textbf{fbmn})^2|$ where \textbf{fbmn} is
      (n - \mu_{n}) / \sigma_{n}
    next pfbm is ranged in the scale of~$0$ to~$2\pi$.

    Calculating the spectral density of FBM using the estimated Hurst Parameter range between $0 < \text{h\_est} < 1$.

    Calculating the intermediate value of~$y_f$ as
      y_f = \bigl( \text{pfbm}/\text{f\_specd} \bigr)^2.


    Multiply each term of~$f_{j}$ with an independent exponential random variable with mean $1$ call it~$\hat{f}$.

    Calculate the values of~$A$ and~$B$ as 
      A &= 2 \times \bigl( 2\pi/\text{data} \bigr) \times \sum y_f \\
      B &= 2 \times \bigl( 2\pi/\text{data} \bigr) \times \sum\sqrt{y_f}.


    Construct $\bigl( z_{1} \dotsc z_{n/2} \bigr)$, a sequence of complex numbers such that $\lvert z_{i}\rvert = 
    \sqrt{\hat{f}}$ and the phase of~$z_{i}$ is uniformly distributed between~$0$ and~$2\pi$.

    Construct $\bigl\{ z'_{1} \dotsc z'_{n} \bigr\}$ an expanded version of $\bigl\{ z_{1} \dotsc z_{n/2} \bigr\}$.

    Inverse-Fourier transform~$z'_{i}$ to obtain the approximate FGN sample path~$x_{i}$.



  • 使用lmodern避免与字体相关的警告
  • 在演示文稿中对元素(如方程式)进行编号时要小心,因为观众可能跟不上它们。算法也是如此。最好使用人们可以理解的上下文参考,而不是数字;
  • 为了保持一致性,对元素内部使用相同的符号数学之外。


最简单的解决方案是不使用包algorithm提供的浮动环境algorithm(或类似的),而是定义自己的环境来模拟或的beamer定义(即,使用简单的环境,从而抑制浮动);这也使您的算法标题和或 标题之间的一致性。figuretablecenterfiguretable








\STATE \emph {Taking a sequence of values $(f_{1} \dotsc
f_{n/2})$, and calculating $pfbm = |fft(fbmn)^2|$ where
\textbf{fbmn} is \begin{equation}(n -
\mu_{n})/\sigma_{n}.\end{equation} next pfbm is ranged in the
scale of 0 to 2$\pi$}.

\STATE \emph {Calculating the spectral
density of FBM using the estimated Hurst Parameter range between

\STATE \emph {Calculating the intermediate value of $y_f$
as\begin{equation}y_f =
 \STATE \emph { Multiply each term of $f_{j}$ with an independent exponential random variable with mean
1 call it $ \hat{f}$}.

\STATE \emph {Calculate the values of A and B as \begin{equation}
A = 2*((2*\pi)/data)*sum(y_f). \end{equation} \begin{equation} B =
\framebreak \STATE \emph {Construct $(z_{1} \dotsc z_{n/2})$, a
sequence of complex numbers such that $ |z_{i}|= \sqrt{ \hat{f}}$
and the phase of $z_{i}$ is uniformly distributed between 0 and

\STATE \emph {Construct $\lbrace z'_{1}
\dotsc z'_{n} \rbrace$ an expanded version of $\lbrace z_{1}
\dotsc z_{n/2} \rbrace$}.

 \STATE \emph {Inverse-Fourier transform
$z'_{i}$ to obtain the approximate FGN sample path $x_{i}$}.

\caption{Pseudocode for the generation of Trace Using FGN }


